
A package for creating apps that swipe between pages.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


This package comes with all the bells and whistles for creating an app with swiping between pages. Checkout this repo for some examples.

Getting Started

Add this package to your project:

meteor add ccorcos:swipe

Create some templates. And initialize a swiper with those template names.

Swiper = new Swipe(['page1', 'page2', 'page3', 'page4', 'page5'])

Insert the swiper somewhere and make sure to pass the swiper object.

<template name="main">
  <div class="wrapper">
    {{>swipe Swiper=Swiper}}

Don't forget the helper.

  Swiper: -> Swiper

Control the layout of the pages by reactively setting the left and right pages.

Template.main.rendered = ->

  # initial page

  # page control
  Tracker.autorun ->
    if Swiper.pageIs('page1')
      Swiper.leftRight(null, 'page2')

  Tracker.autorun ->
    if Swiper.pageIs('page2')
      Swiper.leftRight('page1', 'page3')

  Tracker.autorun ->
    if Swiper.pageIs('page3')
      Swiper.leftRight('page2', 'page4')

  Tracker.autorun ->
    if Swiper.pageIs('page4')
        Swiper.leftRight('page3', 'page5')

  Tracker.autorun ->
    if Swiper.pageIs('page5')
      Swiper.leftRight('page4', null)

setInitialPage sets the current page without any animation.

To prevent a swipe from starting on a certain element, simply add a no-swipe class to that element.

If you want to be able to click or touch an element within the swiper, you have to use the click function. This takes care of making sure that you touch up inside the element you intent to click.

Swiper.click 'page1', '.pop-up', (e,t) ->
  alert 'hey!'

And if you want to control control swiping, you'll need to set the "swipe-control" class

Swiper.click 'page1', '.next', (e,t) ->

Lastly, if you want to vertically scroll a div, use the scrollable class.

Known Issues

  • Bugs out when the mouse drags off screen.
  • Can be abused in Safari with touches somehow.