
How to use getWaveForms.m

danielpollak opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm trying to use getWaveForms.m and I can't figure out how to make it run.
In particular, I'm getting tripped up filling out the following parameters:

gwfparams.spikeTimes =    [2,3,5,7,8,9]; % Vector of cluster spike times (in samples) same length as .spikeClusters
gwfparams.spikeClusters = [1,2,1,1,1,2]; % Vector of cluster IDs (Phy nomenclature)   same length as .spikeTimes

I have no idea what the comments here mean, and I'd appreciate any help.

I figured it out! Here's the code I use to run getWaveForms.m. It relies on a function called loadKSdir, found in this very repository here.

FRAC = 0.10; % fraction of all spikes to sample from
dataDir = pwd; 
sp = loadKSdir(dataDir); = sp.sample_rate;
gwfparams.dataDir = dataDir;
gwfparams.fileName = 'raw.dat';
gwfparams.dataType = sp.dtype;
gwfparams.nCh = sp.n_channels_dat;
gwfparams.wfWin = [-(0.001* 0.002*];              % Number of samples before and after spiketime to include in waveform
gwfparams.nWf = floor(length( * FRAC);
gwfparams.spikeTimes = ceil( * sp.sample_rate);
gwfparams.spikeClusters = sp.clu;

wf = getWaveForms(gwfparams);

Hope this helps.