
Interatomic potentials based Spherical Harmonics expansions

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


An implementation of rotation and permutation invariant function approximation using a spherical harmonics basis, based on

Drautz, R.: Atomic cluster expansion for accurate and transferable interatomic potentials. Phys. Rev. B Condens. Matter. 99, 014104 (2019). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.99.014104

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Refactoring of Internals

Evaluation of the Basis

The basis functions are defined as follows:

 ϕ_klm(R) = P_k(r) Y_lm(R̂)          #    k, l, m :: Integer
   A_zklm = ∑_{zⱼ=z} ϕ_klm(R_j)     #          z :: Integer
   A_𝐳𝐤𝐥𝐦 = ∏_a A_zₐkₐlₐmₐ            #   𝐳, 𝐤, 𝐥, 𝐤 :: Tuple{Int} or Vector{Int}
   Bˢⁱ_𝐳𝐤𝐥 = ∑_𝐦 Dⁱ_𝐥𝐦 A_𝐳𝐤𝐥𝐦

The s-superscript denotes the species of the center-atom. It is only implicit in that the basis functions are the same for each species, but the coefficents are of course species-dependent.


  • allow different basis functions for each species

The klm values are restriced as follows:

  • For every k,l, the m values range through -l:l.
  • deg(k, l) <= maxdeg where maxdeg is a prescribe degree. In practise this is usually something like k + wY l <= maxdeg, but something more general is possible

In practise we therefore proceed as follows:

  1. evaluate all A_zklm
  2. evaluate all A_𝐳𝐤𝐥𝐦
  3. evaluate (Bˢⁱ_𝐳𝐤𝐥)_n = D * (A_𝐳𝐤𝐥𝐦) where D is a sparse matrix encoding the Dⁱ_𝐥𝐦 coefficients

The above section makes the actual evaluation of the basis straightforward, but shifts all the work into the precomputation of the necessary datastructures.

A_zklm (Alist.jl -> struct AList)

Starting from a list of all (𝐳, 𝐤, 𝐥), Alist computes a list of all possible (𝐳, 𝐤, 𝐥, 𝐦) and from those a list of all possible (z, k, l, m). This is stored in an AList, which provides the mapping i -> zklm as well as the inverse mapping zklm -> i. The i -> zklm mapping is used to compute the A vector, roughly as follows

# Alist.jl:precompute_A!
fill!(A, 0)
for (R, Z) in current_neighbourhood
   Φ = evaluate_basis(R)  # {ϕ_klm}
   for i = 1:length(alist)
      zklm = alist[i]
      if zklm.z == Z
         A[i] += Φ[zklm.k, zklm.l, zklm.m]

A_𝐳𝐤𝐥𝐦 (Alist.jl -> struct AAList)

The second datastructure struct AAList computes the products A_𝐳𝐤𝐥𝐦 from the precomputed scalars A_zklm. To generate A_𝐳𝐤𝐥𝐦 we take a list of all possible (𝐳, 𝐤, 𝐥), generate a list of all possible (𝐳, 𝐤, 𝐥, 𝐦). These are stored with references to an alist::AList. Say, aalist::AAList, and suppose

aalist.i2Aidx[i, :] == [n₁, n₂, ...]

then this row of the Matrix specifies the basis function

 A_𝐳𝐤𝐥𝐦 = ∏_a A_zₐkₐlₐmₐ

where (zₐ, kₐ, lₐ, mₐ) == alist[nₐ]. Once alist::AList has assembled the Vector A, then the products can be easily assembled into a second Vector AA as follows

# Alist.jl:precompute_AA!
fill!(AA, 1)
for i = 1:length(aalist)
   for α = 1:bodyorder_i
      iA = aalist.i2Aidx[i, α]
      AA[i] *= A[iA]

Bˢⁱ_𝐳𝐤𝐥 (basis.jl -> eval_basis!)

To define the Bˢⁱ_𝐳𝐤𝐥, we precompute the rotation-coefficients and the assemble them into a sparse matrix. To be specific, for each species z, we compute a separate AList, AAList and A2B matrix. The basis computation can then simply be achieved as follows:

precompute_A!(  A[iz0], params)
precompute_AA!(AA[iz0], params)
B = A2B[iz0] * AA[iz0]

Because all look-up is precomputed this is quite fast, and with zero allocations.

Temporary Documentation of Internals [OLD VERSION]

this is out of date - will update soon

Transformed Jacobi Polynomials

We start from standard Jacobi polynomials Jn(x); our implementation simply follows the description on Wikipedia. The recursion coefficients are generated using big (BigFloat and BigInt). This may be unnecessary and should be investigated at some point. We plan to move to an arbitrary basis of orthogonal polynomials, which should in fact simplify the code.

The Jn(x) only form the starting point. To construct the r-basis, we transform them as follows:

  • transform a distance r to a transformed distance t(r); this is the "distance-transform" and stored in TransformedJacobi.trans
  • Then we set x = -1 + 2*(t-tl)/(tu-tl) which linearly transforms t to [-1,1] with 1 always corresponding to the cut-off radius ru.
  • Then we evaluate the Jacobi-polynomials Jn(x) taken w.r.t to an inner product C(x) = (1-x)^a (1+x)^b.
  • This C(x) also acts as a cut-off! That, Pn(x) = sqrt(C(x)) Jn(x) are orthogonal w.r.t. the L2-inner product and for a, b > 0 are zero at the end-points. (Ack: this is an idea due to Markus Bachmayr.)
  • Finally, these transformed and cut-off-multiplied polynomials Pn(x) form our basis functions in the r variable.

Spherical Harmonics

We implement standard complex spherical harmonics; our code is a straightforward modification of SphericalHarmonics.jl, including fixing some type instabilities for speed. This package follows the same design principle as most of the SHIPs.jl code of using buffer arrays for various precomputations and fast computation of multiple basis functions at the same time.

There is another spherical harmonics package which we did not know about when starting to write SHIPs.jl but which we should look at to see whether it contains useful ideas SphericalHarmonics.jl.


The basis functions are defined as follows:

ϕ_klm(R) = P_k(r) Y_lm(R̂)          #    k, l, m :: Int
A_zklm = ∑_{zj = z} ϕ_klm(R_j)     # z, k, l, m :: Int
Bˢ_zkl = ∑_m C_lm ∏_a A_zₐkₐlₐmₐ   # k, l, m :: Tuple{Int} or Vector{Int}

The s-superscript denotes the species of the center-atom. It is only implicit in that the basis functions are the same for each species, but the coefficents are of course species-dependent.

The klm values are restriced as follows:

  • For every k,l, the m values range through -l:l.
  • deg(k, l) <= maxdeg where maxdeg is a prescribe degree. In practise this is usually k + wY l <= maxdeg, but a more general form may be implemented by specifying an BasisSpec degree type. See, e.g.,
  • SparseSHIP
  • HyperbolicCross

For more information on how a SHIPBasis is constructed and stored, see ?SHIPBasis.

SHIP : the fast implementation of a SHIP calculator

While, for training, we use the SHIPBasis type, for simulation we convert this to the SHIP type. The idea is to rewrite the site energy as

E = ∑_𝐳𝐤𝐥𝐦 c_𝐳𝐤𝐥𝐦 ∏_a A_zₐkₐlₐkₐ

and avoid the inner loop over m (for given 𝐤,𝐥). The coefficients c_𝐤𝐥𝐦 are precomputed in the construction of the SHIP type, in particular no more Clebsch-Gordan evaluations are required after this.

The key point however is that computing the gradients of all basis functions is much more expensive than computing the gradient of a site energy using the above identity. Gradients based on the SHIP type are very efficient to compute as follows (pseudo-code)

(1) Compute {A_k}, A_𝐳𝐤𝐥𝐦 = ∏ A_zklm
(2) Compute ∂A_𝐳𝐤𝐥𝐦 / ∂A_{zₐkₐlₐmₐ}
(3) For all j: compute ∇_Rj ϕ_{klm}
    (precomputing ∇_rj J_k and ∇_Rj Y_lm is in fact enough)
(4)     Compute ∂A_𝐳𝐤𝐥𝐦 / ∂A_{zₐkₐlₐmₐ} * ∇_Rj ϕ_{kₐlₐmₐ} for zj = zₐ