
postgresql connector for Corto

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postgresql connector for Corto


This connector requires Postgres 9.5. This version is not yet available in Ubuntu repositories. To install on Ubuntu, see this page: http://rayyoussef.com/2015/11/25/how-to-install-the-lastest-postgres-9-5-on-ubuntu/

To install postgres on OS X:

brew update
brew install postgres

Make sure you have the right version. This project has been tested on Postgres 9.5.2.


Once you have installed postgres, set up your database cluster and the database.

In the following examples, be careful to select the correct postgres version, i.e. check which psql. You may have to use the full path to your executable if there's more than one installation around e.g. /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.5.2/bin/psql.

Set up the database cluster:

initdb "--pgdata=directory=$HOME/.corto/postgres"

Start the server:

pg_ctl -D "directory=$HOME/.corto/postgres" -l logfile start

Create the database:

createdb mydb

Create a scope that will be syncronized with the connector, and then create a connector on it:

void mydb

postgresql/Connector connector: mount=mydb mask=ON_SCOPE|ON_TREE name="mydb" table="cortoobjects" hostaddr=""