
A MongoDB data browser for the console

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm version

A MongoDB data browser for the console. Inspired by ranger.

mongo-ranger has vim-like keybindings, which allows you to quickly traverse your database without a mouse.



  • Multi-column display
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Preview of the selected database/collection/document
  • Traverse arbitrarily deep nested documents
  • Common document operations (update fields, insert/delete document)
  • Querying collections
  • Search/jump to documents or fields


With Node.js (v10 and above)

To install mongo-ranger globally, run:

$ npm install -g mongo-ranger

Use npx to try out mongo-ranger without installing:

$ npx mongo-ranger "MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING"

Alternatively, clone and run the repository

$ git clone https://github.com/cory2067/mongo-ranger.git
$ npm install


$ mongo-ranger --help


  A MongoDB data browser for the console.


  $ mongo-ranger [connection-string]
  $ mongo-ranger [--host host] [--port port]
  $ mongo-ranger --help


  - Browse data using the arrow keys or hjkl (vim-like controls)
  - Use / to search the selected column (does not query db)
  - Use : to type a MongoDB query for the selected collection
  - Move forward on an individual field to edit
  - Push i to insert a new document or field
  - Push d to delete a document or field
  - Push r to reload the current collection


  --host string       server to connect to, SRV string can be used
  -p, --port number   port to conect to
  -h, --help          show this help page
  --debug             show debug logs

Common Issues

Make sure you put quotes around your mongo connection string! If you forget, mongo-ranger may cryptically fail.

# This fails because of the & character!
mongo-ranger mongodb+srv://admin:pw@test.mongodb.net/test?retryWrites=true&w=majority

# This is good
mongo-ranger "mongodb+srv://admin:pw@test.mongodb.net/test?retryWrites=true&w=majority"