
CLI for researchers on the solid-aggregator platform. Uses seal.js, a JavaScript wrapper of Microsoft's SEAL homomorphic encryption library.


Configure the constant AGG_URI in index.js to point to the desired solid-aggregator. Don't forget to run npm install

supported functionality

generate a keypair

node . --keygen

This generates two files public.key and secret.key for this researcher. The public key must be hosted somewhere publically accessible. This keypair is generated by SEAL, so it supports fully homomorphic encryption.

submit a study

node . --keygen FILE

Submit a study (a JSON file) to the aggregator. It may be more convenient to do this via the frontend interface of solid-aggregator. Refer to the solid-aggregator documentation for how to format the JSON properly.

compute an aggregate

node .

The CLI will prompt you for the WebID you used to submit this study. It will list all current studies you have open, and prompt you to pick one to aggregate. (Type the corresponding number of the desired study). The interface should automatically compute the the aggregation result, by decrypting using private.key.