
A Swift based backend server for the iOS data persistence example project FoodTracker

Primary LanguageSwift

CloudTracker API Guide



  • username: String
  • password: String
  • token: String


  • calories: Int
  • description: String
  • title: String
  • imagePath: String - not a full url, just the path on this server. e.g. /photos/1D5EE0C4-A96E-4B44-9A7C-652E978B3CB5
  • userId: Int
  • id: Int
  • rating: Int


Authentication token should be sent via the token http header for all authenticated endpoints. That means everything except /login and /signup.

An authentication token can be obtained via the signup or login endpoint. New users (/signup) are given a token that is a hash of their username and passsword. The /login endpoint invalidates the previous token, and creates a new token.


All endpoints return errors as non 200 status codes, as well as a json object in this format:

{"error": "description of error"}


POST - /Login

This endpoint is used to trade a login/password for an auth token.

Valid parameters

  • username: String
  • password: String


  • user: User

Returns 403 for bad credentials. Token from response can be sent as a header to access authenticated endpoints. Auth token not required.

POST - /signup

This endpoint is used to create a new user.

Valid parameters

  • username: String
  • password: String


  • user: User

Returns 400 for malformed/missing data, 409 for existing user. User's returned "token" property can be sent as a header to access authenticated endpoints. Auth token not required.

GET - /users/me

This endpoint retrives the user's profile.


  • user: User

Returns 403 if token header is missing.

POST - /users/me/meals/:id/photo

Upload a meal's associated image. Body of post should contain raw image data.


  • meal: Meal
    Meal's Contains the path, on this server, to retrieve the image from. e.g. /photos/1D5EE0C4-A96E-4B44-9A7C-652E978B3CB5. Images are not modified in any way after uploading, supports jpg, png, and gif images.

Returns 400 if data is missing.

GET - /users/me/meals

This endpoint returns all meals owned by this user.


  • meals: [Meal]
  • [Meal] - due to a compiler bug in the current swift 3 snapshot, I can't seem to get this to return a dictionary instead of a top level array. sigh.

POST - /users/me/meals

This endpoint is used to create a meal object owned by the currently authenticated user.

Required parameters

  • title: String
  • calories: Int
  • description: String


  • meal: Meal

Returns an array of meals, empty if none available, 403 if bad token.

POST - /users/me/meals/:id/rate

This endpoint is used to set the rating on a specific meal object. The :id is an Int that specifies which meal to rate.

Required parameters

  • rating: Int


  • meal: Meal

Returns 403 if bad auth token, 404 if meal not found, 400 if missing request data.

Curl examples

Sign up a new user

Request: curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username": "cory", "password" : "1234"}' "http://localhost:8000/signup"

Response: {"user":{"token":"anGfKOFTTtQ1xwEkkXjieC9K9s4UNu9y0J9BadGhUtE","username":"cory","password":"1234"}}

Create a meal

Request: curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "token: anGfKOFTTtQ1xwEkkXjieC9K9s4UNu9y0J9BadGhUtE" -d '{"title": "tacos", "calories" : 1500, "description": "really good, from a local place"}' "http://localhost:8000/users/me/meals"

Response: {"meal":{"calories":1500,"id":1,"description":"really good, from a local place","title":"tacos","userId":1,"rating":0,"imagePath":""}}

Rate a meal

Request: curl -H "token: anGfKOFTTtQ1xwEkkXjieC9K9s4UNu9y0J9BadGhUtE" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"rating": 5}' "http://localhost:8000/users/me/meals/1/rate"

Response: {"meal":{"calories":1500,"id":1,"description":"really good, from a local place","title":"tacos","userId":1,"rating":5,"imagePath":""}}