
A clone of nrubin's softsyshw3 with gh-pages to print the report

Primary LanguagePython

#Software Systems Homework 3 ####Noam Rubin and Cory Dolphin

This is a simple C interface to a local instance of the neo4j graph database.


To get neo4j, follow these instructions

Then, point your browser at localhost:7474 and start the Movie Graph tutorial

Once you've added some data, try compiling and running query.c


All the magic is in query.c, which depends on curllib for HTTP requests and jansson for JSON parsing. The Makefile links to the correct libraries, but to make sure they're installed on your system:

  1. Install curllib
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev
  1. Download and install Jansson
bunzip2 -c jansson-2.5.tar.bz2 | tar xf
cd jansson-2.5
  • Then install the package (you may need to be root for some of these steps):
make check
make install
  1. Install Neo4j

  2. Insert the data:

$ python parse.py
$ python insert.py
  1. Run make in this directory.
  2. Run the executable query and input a starting node name.