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I'd love to hear your feedback!
Here's a few recommended reads that helped inspire the talk.
- How to Fail at Everything and Still Win Big
- Essentialism
- Ego Is The Enemy
- Maximize Your Potential
- Crucial Conversations
- The Happiness Advantage
- Quitter
- Choose Yourself
- Leaders Eat Last
- How to Win Friends and Influence People
- The Power of Habit
- Deep Work
- 30 Lessons for Living
- To Sell Is Human
- So Good They Can't Ignore You
- Mindset
- Born Standing Up
- Awaken the Giant Within
- Abundance
- Fooled by Randomness
- When Breath Becomes Air
- Purple Cow
Get one of the books above from Audible or your local library
Schedule lunch and learn
Join a local meetup
Schedule a lunch with someone
Write first blog post
Create an info stream for your focus
Buy time: Schedule lawnmowing service, etc.
Join the gym
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