
Using Hibernate and command line to initialize and interact with a SQL database

Primary LanguageJava


AD - SBA - Core Java/Hibernate/JUnit


Run the SMSRunner class to enter the application. Enter a valid username and password combination to log in.
In hibernate.cfg.xml, please change the following connection string to match the port used for MariaDB:
<property name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sms</property>


This app uses Hibernate to interact with a SQL database. The file InitDB initializes a sample database.


There is a JUnit test in /src/test/java to test the integrity of the StudentService class's getStudentByEmail method.

Future development

There are still a few menu navigation bugs I am working out.

Sample Usage

Please select an option:
1. Student Login
2. Quit
   Log in:
   Enter your email:
   Enter your password:
   Welcome, Clem Startin.
   You are not registered to any courses.
   Please select one of the following:
1. Register for course
2. View your courses
3. Quit
   Register for courses:
   All available courses:
   COURSE ID            COURSE NAME                    INSTRUCTOR NAME     
   1                    English                        Anderea Scamaden    
   2                    Mathematics                    Eustace Niemetz     
   3                    Anatomy                        Reynolds Pastor     
   4                    Organic Chemistry              Odessa Belcher      
   5                    Physics                        Dani Swallow        
   6                    Digital Logic                  Glenden Reilingen   
   7                    Object Oriented Programming    Giselle Ardy        
   8                    Data Structures                Carolan Stoller     
   9                    Politics                       Carmita De Maine    
   10                   Art                            Kingsly Doxsey      
   Enter a number to choose register for one of the above:
   What next?
   Please select one of the following:
1. Register for course
2. View your courses
3. Quit
   Your currently enrolled courses:
   COURSE ID            COURSE NAME                    INSTRUCTOR NAME     
   5                    Physics                        Dani Swallow        
   Please select one of the following:
1. Register for course
2. View your courses
3. Quit