Managing your debt is lame. Credit Croc is cool. Credit Croc keeps track of your debt so you don't have to!
Managing personal finances, especially credit cards and bank loans, can be stressful. We hope to take some of that worry away by allowing you to easily visualize your financial picture and focus on what matters.
- Deployed app on Heroku:
- Repository:
- Log in or register
- Add your accounts
- e.g. mortgage, car payment, student loans, credit cards
- Enter info about each financial account
- e.g. interest rate, payment term, etc.
- Secure email/password authentication
- Pie chart for easily visualizing info
- Easily add/delete accounts
- Integrating a third party API to automatically pull user's credit info from a public database.
- Additional calculations and database manipulation available to the user.
- Expanding security and user authentication.
- Mobile responsiveness
None needed, it runs right in your browser.
- MVC file structure
- jQuery
- (pie chart)
- Node.js
- packages: express, mysql, sequelize, passport
- Express (API routing)
- Heroku (deployment)
- JawsDB add-on for remote database storage.
- Handlebars.js
- The Unlicense