
Prototype farm administrative MERN app. Time card, Excel inventory, ArcGIS map, expense reports, worker handbook.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

farm manager app

deployed development stage app: https://farm-companion.herokuapp.com (give this a minute to start up, it runs on a free-tier server for now)

to demo the app without signing up:
username: coryjquirk@gmail.com
password: password123



  • MERN stack
    • MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js
    • self-contained user authentication
  • Front end
    • Bootstrap
    • Fontawesome

ArcGIS StoryMaps link to story

development setup:

npm install
npm run client-install

must use npm run dev to run app locally


  • improved authentication: right now the only way to reset a password is by the user contacting me to manually delete their record from my MongoDB Atlas cluster, allowing them to create a new account (very not ideal).
  • expanded time card app


  • cory j. quirk: full stack development
  • keanu driscoll-cherland: concept architect
