
The example project shows how to handle Box webhook from Openwhisk action.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This example project gets you started with using Node.js to build a Box webhook handler app to handle the upload file event then uses Watson Speech-to-text API to covert the speech to the text.


You should have a basic understanding of the OpenWhisk programming model. If not, try the action, trigger, and rule demo first.

Also, you'll need an IBM Cloud account, the latest OpenWhisk command line tool (bx wsk) and Whisk Deploy Utility (wskdeploy) installed and on your PATH.

Using the sample

Step 1. Create a Box application
  1. Log into the Box Developer Console
    • Press "Console"
  2. Select "Create New App"
    • Select "Custom App" and press "Next"
    • Select "OAuth 2.0 with JWT (Server Authentication)" and press "Next"
    • Name the application "Box Webhook App - YOUR NAME"
      • Application names must be unique across Box
    • Press "Create App" and then "View Your App"
  3. Click "Webhooks" section in the left-side navbar
    • Press "Generate Key" for both the "Primary Key" and "Secondary Key" to create keys for signing the events
  4. Return to the "Configuration" section and go to "Application Scopes"
    • Check "Manage webhooks" and click "Save Changes"
  5. Scroll down to "App Settings"
    • Press "Download as JSON"
    • Save the JSON config file, which contains your application's webhook signing keys
Step 2. Create a Speech to Text service
  1. Select Speech to Text service in IBM Cloud (you have to Log into your IBM Cloud account first)
  2. Press Create on the bottom of the screen
  3. Press Show Credentials to get the username and the password
    • Copy the value of Username
    • Copy the value of Password
Step 3. Clone the repository
  1. Clone the respository and initial the project
$ git clone https://github.com/coryma/box-node-webhook-to-speech-to-text-openwhisk.git # or fork and clone your own
$ cd box-node-webhook-to-openwhisk-sample
$ npm install
  1. Rename manifest.template.yaml to manifest.yaml

  2. Edit manifest.template.yaml

    • In boxUserId, input your Box account ID
    • In boxConfig, paste the contents of your JSON config file that you obtained in Step 1
    • In watsonUserName, paste the Watson service credentials that you obtained in the previous step
    • In watsonPassword, paste the Watson service credentials that you obtained in the previous step
    • In watsonLanguage, input the identifier of the model that is to be used for the recognition
    • In watsonContentType, input the audio format that is to be used for the recognition

    Note: The parameter must be surrounded by single quotes.

Step 4. Create OpenWhisk actions and mappings
  1. Deploy the package and the action
./deploy.sh --install
  1. Log into the IBM Cloud console
    • Find your package and action in the right panel, and click the action name (ex. speech-to-text).
  2. Click "Endpoints" section in the left-side navbar
    • Copy the "URL" in "Web Actions"

Step 5. Create a Box webhook to connect to your OpenWhisk action

Note: See Getting Started with Webhooks V2 and Overview of Webhooks V2 for more info.

  1. Choose a folder in your Box account and record the "Folder ID"

    • See these instructions for how to find the "Folder ID"
    • Note: You can't create a webhook on your root folder (ID = 0)
  2. Press "Generate a Developer Token" to create a developer token for your app

    • The token is valid for an hour, but you can get another one if it expires
  3. Create a webhook by using curl to call the Box webhook API:

    curl https://api.box.com/2.0/webhooks \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <DEVELOPER_TOKEN>" \
    -d '{"target": {"id": "<FOLDER_ID>", "type": "folder"}, "address": "<YOUR_WEB_ACTION_URL>", "triggers": ["FILE.UPLOADED"]}'; echo

    Note: You must use the API to create V2 webhooks -- there is no Web UI

  4. You should get a response confirming that the webhook has been created:

    • Note the <WEBHOOK_ID> in case you need to modify or delete the webhook later

Step 6. Test the webhook

  1. Tail the logs
bx wsk activation poll
  1. Upload a file to the Box folder that you specified when creating the webhook
  2. You should see a new set of events appear in the logs:
    Activation: 'speech-to-text' (33295a0a1afc405ca95a0a1afca05c53)
    "2018-09-20T14:50:59.992291238Z stdout: {",
    "2018-09-20T14:50:59.992322007Z stdout: \"results\": [",
    "2018-09-20T14:50:59.992327593Z stdout: {",
    "2018-09-20T14:50:59.992332367Z stdout: \"alternatives\": [",
    "2018-09-20T14:50:59.992337247Z stdout: {",
    "2018-09-20T14:50:59.992341835Z stdout: \"confidence\": 0.58,",
    "2018-09-20T14:50:59.992346642Z stdout: \"transcript\": \"well let me think I sound so young \"",
    "2018-09-20T14:50:59.992351856Z stdout: }",