
Addons for Plex Media Server channels. DumbKeyboard allows getting strings from the user via DirectoryObject's instead of InputDirectoryObjects. DumbPrefs replaces PrefsObject and allows changing preferences.

Primary LanguagePython


This serves as a replacement for the InputDirectoryObject in the Plex Plug-in framework for clients that don't support it. It uses DirectoryObjects to build a query string, then lets you send that to the Search function. Search queries are saved in the channels Dict so they don't need to be re-entered.

img http://i.imgur.com/Q622vhM.png


add DumbTools.py to Channel.bundle/Contents/Code.

in __init__.py add:

from DumbTools import DumbKeyboard

in __init__.py where you have an InputDirectoryObject:

if Client.Product in DumbKeyboard.clients:
        DumbKeyboard(PREFIX, oc, Search,
                dktitle = u'%s' L('search'),
                dkthumb = R(ICONS['search'])
                key    = Callback(Search),
                title  = u'%s' L('search'),
                prompt = 'Search',
                thumb  = R(ICONS['search'])
@route(PREFIX + '/search')
def Search(query):


DumbKeyboard(prefix, oc, callback, dktitle=None, dkthumb=None, dkplaceholder=None, dksecure=False, **kwargs)

Appends a DirectoryObject to oc which will provide a series of DirectoryObjects to build a string. callback is called with the arguments query and **kwargs when the Submit directory is selected.

  • prefix: whatever is used in the @handler(PREFIX, NAME).
  • oc: the object container to add to.
  • callback: the Search function. This must have atleast 1 argument 'query'.
  • dktitle: (optional) the title to use for the search directoryObject.
  • dkthumb: (optional) the thumbnail to use for the search directoryObject.
  • dkplaceholder: (optional) set a default value in the text entry.
  • dksecure: (optional) set the entry to be secure or not (show *'s instead of the characters).
  • **kwargs: additional arguments to send to the callback function.
    • if you have search function Search(query, a=None, b=None) then you can use DumbKeyboard(prefix, oc, Search, a='something' b=123)

DumbKeyboard.clients - Client.Product's that don't have InputDirectoryObjects or don't always work correctly.

  • Plex for iOS
  • Plex Media Player
  • Plex Web


a replacement for the PrefsObject. This should allow both displaying and changing channel preferences using only DirectoryObjects.


It may require the following addition to Info.plist:



from DumbTools import DumbPrefs

@handler(PREFIX, NAME)
def MainMenu():
        oc = ObjectContainer()
        if Client.Product in DumbPrefs.clients:
                DumbPrefs(PREFIX, oc,
                        title = L('preferences'),
                        thumb = R(ICONS['preferences']))
                        title = L('preferences'),
                        thumb = R(ICONS['preferences'])


DumbPrefs(prefix, oc, title=None, thumb=None)

Appends a DirectoryObject to oc which will allow users to change text, bool, and enum channel preferences.

  • prefix: whatever is used in the @handler(PREFIX, NAME).
  • oc: the object container to add to.
  • title: (optional) the title to use for the directoryObject.
  • thumb: (optional) the thumbnail to use for the directoryObject.

DumbPrefs.clients - Client.Product's that don't have Prefs or don't always work correctly.

  • 'Plex for iOS' - doesn't have it
  • 'Plex Media Player' - doesn't have it
  • 'Plex Home Theater' - has it, but it never liked saving text prefs
  • 'OpenPHT'
  • 'Plex for Roku' - I don't think it has it, I'm not sure if this is the correct product name.