
Model ancestry and property management

Primary LanguageRuby

Compatible w/ DM >= 0.9.11

DM PropertyManager is useful when you have similar models with identical properties/relationships between the two.

Whenever a model manages another model it also gets a few factory methods:

  • new_model_name : creates an unsaved instance
  • create_model_name : creates a saved instance
  • create_model_name_and_destroy : creates a saved instance and destroy the object you are working with

The factory methods will populate the created instance with all the values of the property of the managing instance.

Example: Rsvp.manage(:seat){...do_something...} Rsvp.new.respond_to? :new_seat #=> true


  • #has relationships should auto populate, see hack below
  • #belongs_to relationships should auto populate, see hack below

Simple Example

class Rsvp
  include DataMapper::Resource
  include DataMapper::PropertyManager

  property :id, Serial

  manage(:seat) do
    belongs_to :room #some other model

    property :confirmation, String
    property :section, String
    property :number, String

class Seat
  include DataMapper::Resource

  property :id, Serial
  property :arrived_at, DateTime

@rsvp = Rsvp.new
@rsvp.confirmation = "209fa9bj9jaa"
@rsvp.section = "Orchestra"
@rsvp.number  = "10A"

@seat = @rsvp.new_seat(:arrived_at=>Time.now)
@seat.section #=> "Orchestra"
@seat.arrived_at = "Fri May 01 21:18:24 -0700 2009"


Delegation is useful when you have similar models, and you'd like to declare the like properties/relationships in one place and delegate the control of the 'managed models' to another model.

For the example we have a ticket system with three types of tickets (yeah its a stupid example):

  • Unsold Tickets

  • Sold Tickets

  • Stubs

    class UnsoldTicket include DataMapper::Resource include DataMapper::PropertyManager

    property :id, Serial

    manage(:sold_tickets => :stub) do belongs_to :concert property :seat, String property :section, Enum[:pit, :dance_floor, :really_far_back] property :price, Float end end

    class SoldTicket include DataMapper::Resource include DataMapper::PropertyManager

    property :id, Serial end

    class Stub include DataMapper::Resource include DataMapper::PropertyManager

    property :id, Serial end

    @unsold_ticket = UnsoldTicket.new @unsold_ticket.concert = Concert.get("Britney Spears, Live from your butthole") @unsold_ticket.seat = "33A" @unsold_ticket.section = :pit @unsold_ticket.price = 1.30 @unsold_ticket.save

    @unsold_ticket.new_sold_ticket #=> an unsaved new ticket with the same properties @unsold_ticket.create_sold_ticket #=> a saved ticket with the same properties @unsold_ticket.create_sold_ticket(:price=>2.50) #=> a saved ticket overriding the price @unsold_ticket.create_sold_ticket_and_destroy #=> a saved ticket and destroy the unsold one

    @sold_ticket = @unsold_ticket.create_sold_ticket_and_destroy(:price => 25.30)

    the concert comes and goes...

    @stub = @sold_ticket.create_stub_and_destroy #=> destroyes the sold ticket and makes it a ticket stub.

Auto Archiver

PropertyManager can be used to manage properties between a model and some archived version of the model

class User
  include DataMapper::Resource
  include DataMapper::PropertyManager

  property :id,     Serial  

  manage(:archived_user) do
    property :name,   String
    property :email,  String
    property :password,  String
    property :created_at, DateTime

  def archive!
    @au = new_archived_user
    @au.deleted_at = Time.now



class ArchivedUser
  include DataMapper::Resource

  def self.default_repository_name
  property :id, Serial
  property :deleted_at, DateTime

user = User.new
user.name = "Cory Odaniel"
user.email = "propmanager@coryodaniel.com"
user.password = "secretz"

# Move the user to the archive_users repo

Hack for auto populating relationships

class Dad
  include DataMapper::Resource
  property :id, Serial
  property :first_name, String
  manage(:kid) do
    belongs_to :dad   
    property :dad_id,     Integer
    property :last_name,  String

class Kid
  include DataMapper::Resource
  property :id, Serial
  property :first_name, String