
Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

go-datastore benchmarks



First, build the worker:

make worker.test
upx --brute worker.test # optionally pack the worker binary

Create systems.json in run dir (here), Example:

  "c5d.large": [
    {"Type": "ssh", "Spec": {"KeyFile": "/home/user/.ssh/bench-ec2.pem", "User": "ubuntu", "Addr": "", "Vars": {"BDEV": "/dev/nvme0n1p1", "MDIR": "/mnt0"}}},
    {"Type": "ssh", "Spec": {"KeyFile": "/home/user/.ssh/bench-ec2.pem", "User": "ubuntu", "Addr": "", "Vars": {"BDEV": "/dev/nvme0n1p1", "MDIR": "/mnt1"}}},
    {"Type": "ssh", "Spec": {"KeyFile": "/home/user/.ssh/bench-ec2.pem", "User": "ubuntu", "Addr": "", "Vars": {"BDEV": "/dev/nvme0n1p1", "MDIR": "/mnt2"}}},

Open master.go, have a look at newSpec optionally adjusting it to run specific benchmarks. If it looks good, run go run master.go -continue and hope that it does it's thing.

Make sure to install filesystem tools on workers:

sudo apt install e2fsprogs btrfs-progs jfsutils xfsprogs ntfs-3g f2fs-tools


Top level directory contains a few important parts:

  • worker/ - test executor - entrypoint is in worker_test.go:BenchmarkSpec
  • master/ - the thing that runs things (responsible for setting up workers (creating filesystems/crashing kernels), assigning jobs, collecting results, creating plots, not crashing irrecoverably after running benchmarks for days/weeks/months, etc.)
  • options/ - some shared code
  • scripts/ - shell scripts that are ran on workers before/after tests
  • master.go - benchmark matrix 'config'
  • systems.json - worker definition
    • map[systemType][]system
    • each systemType runs whole benchmark matrix, jobs are distributed across systems which are assumed to have the same hardware
  • results.json - usually contains partial results before master crashes
  • plots/ - contains plots generated after running all benchmarks

The most important struct in master is the master.BenchSpec:

type master.BatchSpec struct { // results.json
	Datastores []options.WorkerDatastore // datastores x filesystems
	// instance type -> worker id
	Workers map[string][]Worker // systems.json

	// instance type -> series id
	Jobs map[string][]*Series

master.Series is another important struct which defines which test and with what params should be ran, and stores the results

type master.Series struct {
	Opts     []options.BenchOptions
	Test     string // defined in Worker/worker_test.go
	PlotName string

	// ds -> Opts
	Results map[string]map[int]*parse.Benchmark

	lk sync.Mutex