Retro Rabbit Requisitions Routine

Project Overview

Retro Rabbits current claims process is slow and tedious. The aim of this project is to improve the fuel claims process by creating an android application that will be used to scan odometer readings for fuel claims.

The image scanner extracts the relevant information from the scanned image, do the necessary calculations and store this information. Then the employee will simply send all their stored claims to a database in the cloud from where the information can be prepared for submitting fuel claims to Retro Rabbit.


Select Document
Functional and Architectural Design Document
User Manual Document
Coding Standards Document

Web-Application: Retro Rabbit Requisitions Routine

Team Members

Oluwatosin Botti u13208642

Team Member Details
Oluwatosin Botti u13208642
Profile LinkedIn
Overview I'm a determined individual who works hard and is always willing to learn.
Position Final year BSc IT
Interests Creating Websites, Reading...novels, Cooking, Eating and Gaming
Skills C++, C#, Java, Web Development: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP, AJAX, JQuery, JSON, SQL, Mongo DB