COS316, Assignment 3: In-Memory Cache

Due: 3/4/2022 at 11:00pm

In-Memory Cache

In this project, you will build an in-memory, look-aside, write-allocate cache. You will implement two eviction algorithms: first-in first-out (FIFO) and least-recently-used (LRU). Each of these implementations adheres to an abstract interface provided to you, called Cache.


A cache is a fixed-size store of key-value bindings. In your cache, keys are strings (e.g., the name of a file or variable), and values are arbitrary-length byte slices.

Because the cache is fixed-size, it cannot grow to accept arbitrarily many keys and values. We initialize a cache with a limit parameter that defines precisely how many bytes worth of keys and values it can accommodate.

Instead of growing, once the cache becomes too full, we must evict some item that is already in the cache before we are able to admit new values to the cache.

The mechanism by which we decide which items to remove from the cache is known as an eviction algorithm, which we will cover later in this document.

A general-purpose Cache interface is defined by the following functions. Any type that implements these functions is automatically able to be used as a Cache type in Golang.

This interface is defined in cache.go. You should examine this file and understand its purpose.

type Cache interface {
	// Get returns the value associated with the given key, if it exists.
	// This operation counts as a "use" for that key-value pair
	// ok is true if a value was found and false otherwise.
	Get(key string) (value []byte, ok bool)

	// Remove removes and returns the value associated with the given key, if it exists.
	// ok is true if a value was found and false otherwise
	Remove(key string) (value []byte, ok bool)

	// Set associates the given value with the given key, possibly evicting values
	// to make room. Returns true if the items was added successfully, else false.
	Set(key string, value []byte) bool

	// Len returns the number of items in the cache.
	Len() int

	// MaxStorage returns the maximum number of bytes this cache can store
	MaxStorage() int

	// RemainingStorage returns the number of unused bytes available in this cache
	RemainingStorage() int

	// Stats returns a pointer to a Stats object that indicates how many hits
	// and misses this cache has resolved over its lifetime.
	Stats() *Stats

First-in First-out (FIFO) Eviction

For the first part of the assignment, you will be implementing a cache using a first-in first-out eviction algorithm.

This will require you to modify the file fifo.go. Unit testing should be done in fifo_test.go.

FIFO eviction means that if there is not enough space in the cache for a new item, the cache evicts items one at a time until there is enough room, starting with the item that was added to the cache first (i.e. the oldest item presently in the cache), then the item that was added to the cache second (i.e. the second-oldest item in the cache), and so on.

Least Recently Used (LRU) Eviction

For the second part of the assignment, you will be implementing a cache using a least recently used eviction algorithm.

This will require you to modify the file lru.go. Unit testing should be done in lru_test.go.

LRU eviction means that if there is not enough space in the cache for a new item, the cache evicts items one at a time until there is enough room, starting with the item that was used by a client least recently. An item is considered used any time it is the object of a Get() or Set() call.

Additional Specifications

  • What sorts of keys and values are acceptable? Keys can be any valid Go string and items Note that the empty string is an acceptable key for an item. Likewise, the empty byte slice is an acceptable value. The nil byte slice is also an acceptable value for an item.

  • What does the ok return value signify? Your cache should use ok=true to indicate that the requested operation executed successfully, or ok=false to indicate some issue. For example, if Get() or Remove() returns ok=false, it may mean that no item exists for the requested key.

  • If ok is false, what should the other returned value be? If Get() or Remove() returns false as its second return value, clients should assume that the first return value is invalid, and its specific value is therefore not relevant. In this case, it would be reasonable to return nil, but you are not required to do so.

  • How much memory does an item consume? For this assignment, assume that the memory consumed by an item is precisely len(key) + len(value). In practice, simply counting the number of bytes in a string and the number of entries in a byte array is not sufficient since the data structures you use to store the items almost certainly incur overhead, such as the size of the pointers to a key or value. However, we ignore these factors for the assignment to make testing simpler.

  • What if an item could never fit into a cache? You may encounter situations where a client requests adding an item that is larger than the maximum capacity of the cache. In these cases, Set() should return false to indicate the binding was not admitted to the cache, and the contents of the cache should be left unmodified.


  • Your implementation should be memory-efficient in the sense that it evicts values from the cache only as a last resort. If it is possible to store a binding in the cache without evicting another, your implementation must do so.

  • Your implementation should be time-efficient. Specifically, Get, Set, Len() and Stats() should be constant-time in the number of items in the cache. Carefully consider the data structures you use to implement FIFO and LRU. For example, iterating over all items in the cache to find the oldest/least-recently used will not be acceptably fast when the cache is large.

A Note on External Libraries

  • Your code may use any data structures that have been implemented in the Go standard libraries, or any data structures that you implement yourself from scratch, but you may not use data structures defined in third-party libraries. Your code must not rely on any existing LRU or FIFO implementation, regardless of where it came from.

Unit Testing

Recall Go uses the testing package to create unit tests for Go packages.

For this assignment, you are provided with several files:

  • helpers_test.go contains useful helper functions you may use (or modify) for debugging purposes, or to help creating your own tests.
  • fifo_test.go contains a very basic unit test for your first-in first-out cache. You are encouraged to extend this file to create your own unit tests.
  • lru_test.go contains a very basic unit test for your least recently used cache. You are encouraged to extend this file to create your own unit tests.

Read through all three files and try to understand how and why they work the way that they do. Hopefully, it will give you some ideas you can build off of to create more comprehensive tests.

You can run your unit tests with the command go test, which simply reports the result of the test, and the reason for failure, if any, or you may add the -v flag to see the verbose output of the unit tests.

Submission & Grading

Your assignment will be automatically submitted every time you push your changes to your GitHub repo. Within a couple minutes of your submission, the autograder will make a comment on your commit listing the output of our testing suite when run against your code. Note that you will be graded only on your changes to the cache package, and not on your changes to any other files, though you may modify any files you wish.

You may submit and receive feedback in this way as many times as you like, whenever you like, taking into account your late days if submitting past the deadline.