
To use this test, clone it in your repo, compile with your libftprintf.a

Default test : gcc -Wall -Wextra test.c -g3 libftprintf.a && ./a.out

exemple all test : gcc -Wall -Wextra test.c -g3 libftprintf.a && ./a.out a

to check differents option run with whose differents av[1]

  • ./a.out a for all tests
  • ./a.out d for %d
  • ./a.out s for %s
  • ./a.out c for %c
  • ./a.out p for %p
  • ./a.out x for %x
  • ./a.out X for %X
  • ./a.out u for %u
  • ./a.out o for %%
  • ./a.out m fot mixed tests

you can also check your unittest with solotest.c, just modify between |...| and add some args

42/Lyon tclaudel