17-key numpad assembled with only through hole components, including usb type-c
- aaarseneFrance
- AimsucksUnited States
- AutinMitraVA
- barnumbirrLuxembourg
- brandonschlackLong Beach, CA
- cnorthway
- Diabloshift
- erkiesken@StarshipRobots
- EweLoHDTechnical University of Munich
- garrettdc
- goranzarkovic
- InkeringMicrosoft
- jordiorlandoSan Francisco, CA
- krautcat@omprussia
- LeanderDVoid Zero
- lstubbig
- luciedescamps@kavli-ntnu
- maxiestudies
- Micah-NailimaNailima Development
- MrPliskin
- msancp06
- myersjustinc@Wrapports, @wbez
- NetN1nja
- repercussion
- robertofarrellEasy Agile
- shernshiouBasel, Switzerland
- skycham
- steinsgilgamesh
- thuchnguCambridge, MA
- treb42
- umtksa
- vlothamsterdam
- YeungKCnull
- yinxianweiShangHai
- Zebidian
- zubinmehta@zing42