- adam-gruerEPA Victoria
- andireyGlobal
- brownagUSDA-NRCS
- bsarrantNexoris
- bttomio
- dikiprawisuda
- DuyTran16San Francisco Bay Area
- EvaMaeRey
- feddelegrand7Hamburg
- flixi67Agora Digitale Transformation gGmbH
- hewag1975Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy
- jacquietranAuckland, New Zealand
- jgserra18
- jimbrig@noclocks
- jromanowskaUniversity of Bergen
- KOdoi-OJGhana
- krlmlr@cynkra
- krzjoaCEVA Logistics
- Leo-Lee15China
- M-ColleyUCL
- ManuelNeumannMannheim (Germany)
- MarkLaVeniaUniversity of Canterbury
- matt-drayUK public sector
- mertcatar
- nicholasbartonC4ED
- ninohardt
- PatrikiosGermany
- PsychAnon
- rafabelokurowsKantar Worldpanel
- RichIreland
- rotemdvirTexas A&M University
- sophiaaknight
- StraubingerCity of Copenhagen
- talegariGames24x7
- werkstattcodes
- yashpatel-pyUnited States, Illinois