Stock Exchange API

Setup and Installation

Note: make sure docker and docker-compose are installed

Development Server

Step 1

Build the containers

sh scripts/ build

Step 2

Run the containers

sh scripts/ up

or build and run with a single command

sh scripts/ up --build

Step 3

Open your web browser and view the application using the following urls

API Docs:  localhost:8001

Kibana: localhost:5601


Note: all docker-compose commands works after the script Eg: kill, stop, --no-cache etc.

sh scripts/ down
sh scripts/ kill
sh scripts/ build --no-cache
sh scripts/ run -d

To run unit tests

> docker-compose -f ./docker-compose-ci.yml build
> docker-compose -f ./docker-compose-ci.yml run app

Seed Test Data

Make sure the containers are up and running, then execute

> docker exec -it stock_api bash
/var/app#  python