Stock Trading API

A stock trading platform for users to browse company stocks, fund their accounts, buy and sell stocks.

Setup and installation

Pull the github repo

$ git clone

Run without Docker

Create a virtual environment to store project's Python requirements

$ cd stock-trade
$ virtualenv venv --python=python3
$ source venv/bin/activate

Install python requirements

$ pip install requirements.txt

Create a postgres database

$ sudo -i -u postgres psql
$ create database stock_trade;
$ grant all PRIVILEGES on database stock_trade to postgres;

Run database migrations

$ python migrate

Now you can run the application

$ python runserver

Launch your browser and access the app with localhost:8000

Run tests

$ py.test -n 8  stock_trade/tests/

Run with Docker (Development Environment)

Note: make sure docker and docker-compose is installed

$ sh docker/

Confirm the docker containers are running using docker ps, Launch your browser and access the app with localhost:8001

To run tests

$ docker exec -it stock-trade_api bash
$ ./scripts/