
Machine Learning Projects with Flytekit

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Flyte Logo


The Open Source Repository of Flyte-based Projects


The purpose of this repository is to showcase Flyte's capabilities in end-to-end applications that do some form of data processing or machine learning.

The source code for each project can be found in the projects directory, where each project has its own set of dependencies.

Table of Contents

🚀 Create a New Project

Fork the repo on github, then clone it:

git clone https://github.com/<your-username>/flytelab
Make sure you're using Python > 3.7

Create a new branch for your project:

git checkout -b my_project  # replace this with your project name
For MLOps Community Engineering Labs Hackathon participants: Each team will have its own branch on the main flyteorg/flytelab repo. If you're part of a team of more than one person, assign one teammate to create a project directory and push it into your team's branch.

We use cookiecutter to manage project templates.

Install prerequisites:

pip install cookiecutter

In the root of the repo, create a new project:

cookiecutter templates/basic -o projects
There are more templates in the templates directory depending on the requirements of your project.

You'll need to answer two questions:

project_name: my_project  # replace this with your project name
project_author: foobar    # replace this with your name
For MLOps Community Engineering Labs Hackathon participants: project_author should be your team name.

The project structure looks like the following:

├── Dockerfile
├── README.md
├── dashboard
│   ├── app.py  # streamlit app
│   ├── remote.config
│   └── sandbox.config
├── deploy.py  # deployment script
├── my_project
│   ├── __init__.py
│   └── workflows.py  # flyte workflows
├── requirements-dev.txt
└── requirements.txt

🌏 Environment Setup

Go into the project directory, then create your project's virtual environment:

cd projects/my_project

# create and activate virtual environment
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

# install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt

Run Flyte workflows locally:

python my_project/workflows.py

You should see something like this in the output (you can ignore the warnings):

trained model: LogisticRegression()

Congrats! You just setup your flytelab project 🌟.

You can now modify and iterate on the workflows.py file to create your very own Flyte workflows using flytekit. You can refer to the User Guide, Tutorials, and Flytekit API Reference to learn more about all of Flyte's capabilities.

🚢 Deployment

So far you've probably been running your workflows locally by invoking python my_project/workflows.py. The first step to deploying your workflows to a Flyte cluster is to test it out on a local sandbox cluster.

Make sure you have docker installed.

Then install flytectl:

brew install flyteorg/homebrew-tap/flytectl
Other Operating Systems
curl -sL https://ctl.flyte.org/install | sudo bash -s -- -b /usr/local/bin # You can change path from /usr/local/bin to any file system path
export PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH # Only required if user used different path then /usr/local/bin

Sandbox Deployment

Start the sandbox cluster:

flytectl sandbox start --source .
If you're having trouble getting the Flyte sandbox to start, see the troubleshooting guide.

You should now be able to go to http://localhost:30081/console on your browser to see the Flyte UI.

git commit your changes, then deploy your project's workflows with:

python deploy.py
Expected output

You should see something like:

Successfully packaged 4 flyte objects into /Users/nielsbantilan/git/flytelab/projects/my_project/flyte-package.tgz
Registering Flyte workflows
 ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------
| NAME (4)                                                       | STATUS  | ADDITIONAL INFO              |
 ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------
| /tmp/register724861421/0_my_project.workflows.get_dataset_1.pb | Success | Successfully registered file |
 ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------
| /tmp/register724861421/1_my_project.workflows.train_model_1.pb | Success | Successfully registered file |
 ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------
| /tmp/register724861421/2_my_project.workflows.main_2.pb        | Success | Successfully registered file |
 ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------
| /tmp/register724861421/3_my_project.workflows.main_3.pb        | Success | Successfully registered file |
 ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------
4 rows

On the Flyte UI, you'll see a flytelab-<project-name> project namespace on the homepage. Navigate to the my_project.workflows.main workflow and hit the Launch Workflow button, then the Launch button on the model form.

🎉 Congrats! You just kicked off your first workflow on your local Flyte sandbox cluster.

Union.ai Playground Deployment

The Union.ai team maintains a playground Flyte cluster that you can use to run your workflows.

When you're ready to deploy to a full-fledged production Flyte cluster, first you'll need to get an account. Currenty, you'll need to reach out to the Union.ai team on the Flyte OSS Slack #flytelab channel to request an account, we're you'll receive a login and password, in addition to a client_id and client_secret if you want to use the FlyteRemote object to get the input and output data of your workflow executions from the playground.

export FLYTE_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_ID="<client_id>"
export FLYTE_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_SECRET="<client_secret>"

Deploying to the playground is as simple as:

python deploy.py --remote

💻 Streamlit App [Optional]

The basic project template ships with a dashboard/app.py script that uses streamlit as a UI for interacting with your model.

pip install streamlit

Run App Locally against Sandbox Cluster

streamlit run dashboard/app.py

Run App Locally against Union.ai Playground Cluster

streamlit run dashboard/app.py -- --remote

Deploying to Streamlit Cloud

If you want to use streamlit cloud to deploy your app to share with the world, push your changes to the remote github branch you're working from and point streamlit cloud to the streamlit app script:


You'll need to use their Secrets management system on the streamlit cloud UI to add your client id and secret credentials so that it has access to the playground cluster:

FLYTE_BACKEND = "remote"  # point the app to the playground backend
FLYTE_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_ID = "<client_id>"  # replace this with your client id
FLYTE_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_SECRET = "<client_secret>"  # replace this with your client secret

You can also add additional secrets to the secrets file if needed.