
Hosts the static website for https://flyte.org

Primary LanguageHTML


flyte.org home page

Flyte.org is built using Tailwind with Jekyll.


  • Compiles Tailwind
  • Strips out unused CSS using Purgecss
  • Runs Autoprefixer
  • Minifies your CSS
  • Generate a CSS sourcemap
  • Compiles Jekyll
  • Runs Browsersync for local development


Get started

  • bundle install to install Ruby gems
  • npm ci to install npm packages listed in package-lock.json
  • npm run start to compile the site with development settings and run BrowserSync

Build your site

Site builds to _site. Modify as needed for deployment in _config.yml and gulpfile.babel.js.

  • npm run build:dev to compile the site with development settings
  • npm run build to compile the site for production