
JavaScript Sunburst visualizer

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

HPE IDOL Sunburst

A JQuery plugin for displaying information in a topic map.

This repo uses git-flow. develop is the development branch. master is the last known good branch.


bower install hp-autonomy-sunburst


// assumes sunburst is aliased to the library location in a require.config statement
requirejs(['sunburst/js/sunburst', 'd3', 'underscore'], function(Sunburst, d3, _) {
    let sunburst = new Sunburst(selector, {
        animate: false, // set to true to turn on animations
        clickCallback: _.noop, // function called on segment click
        comparator: d3.ascending, // d3 sort function - if undefined no sorting will be performed
        fillColorFn: function(d){}, // function for generating colors for d. Based on d3's category20c scale
        labelFormatter: function(d) {return _.escape(d[nameProp])}, // function for generating segment labels
        nameAttr: 'name', // attribute of each piece of data denoting the name
        sizeAttr: 'size', // attribute of each piece of data denoting the size
        strokeColor: 'black', // border color for segments
        strokeWidth: '1px', // border width for segments
        // data array for sunburst
        data: [{
            name: 'Segment 1',
            size: 3
        }, {
            name: 'Segment 2',
            size: 5
    // resize the sunburst
    // redraw the sunburst with new data
    sunburst.redraw(data, false);

Grunt tasks

  • grunt test : Run the jasmine specs and print the results to the console
  • grunt browser-test : Start a web server for running the jasmine specs in the browser
  • grunt watch-test : Run the tests, and re-run the tests on file changes
  • grunt lint : Run the JSHint checks and print the results to the console

Is it any good?



Copyright 2016-17 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP

Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this project except in compliance with the License.