
JAMstack Website that uses Vue.js, Nuxt.js and Cosmic JS

Primary LanguageVue

JAMstack Website using Vue.js, Nuxt.js and Cosmic JS


This project was bootstrapped with Create Nuxt App.

Get Started

Running server:

git clone https://github.com/cosmicjs/nuxt-jamstack-website
cd nuxt-jamstack-website
npm install
npm run build
npm start

Now visit: http://localhost:3000

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run dev

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the dist folder.
It correctly bundles app in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

Deploy to Netlify

npm i -g netlify-cli
npm i -g nuxt
netlify deploy # point to the dist folder