This team project is part of the first year curriculum of ALX Software Engineering Program. Simple Shell is a command line interpreter that replicates the sh program on Linux. It can take in simple commands to navigate the terminal, manipulate files, and execute programs.
What we learned:
- How a shell works and finds commands
- Creating, forking and working with processes
- Executing a program from another program
- Handling dynamic memory allocation in a large program
- Pair programming and team work
- Building a test suite to check our own code
gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o hsh
- Prints a prompt and waits for a command from the user
- Creates a child process in which the command is checked
- Checks for built-ins, aliases in the PATH, and local executable programs
- The child process is replaced by the command, which accepts arguments
- When the command is done, the program returns to the parent process and prints the prompt
- The program is ready to receive a new command
- To exit: press Ctrl-D or enter "exit" (with or without a status)
- Works also in non interactive mode
$ /bin/ls
foo main.c coquille.c tests croissant.c
$ pwd
$ ls -l
total 60
drwxrwxr-x 7 vagrant vagrant 4096 Apr 7 01:48 foo
-rw-rw-r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 148 Apr 7 00:00 main.c
-rwxrw-r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 28 Apr 7 15:35 coquille.c
$ baguette
./hsh: No such file or directory
$ echo "cat testfile" | ./hsh
This is a test file
File | Content |
main.c | entry point, executing function |
shell.h | function prototypes, standard libraries, structs |
print_funcs.c | printing functions |
print_errors.c | error printing functions |
string_funcs_1.c | string-handling functions |
string_funcs_2.c | string-handling functions |
list_funcs_1.c | linked list handling functions |
list_funcs_2.c | linked list handling functions |
tokenize.c | string to tokens parsing functions |
path_finder.c | functions that check the PATH for commands |
builtins.c | functions dealing with the shell builtins |
set_env.c | functions dealing with the setenv/unsetenv builtins |
helper_funcs.c | memory and signal handling functions |
convert_funcs.c | conversion between string and number functions |
man_1_simple_shell | Simple Shell man page (man ./man_1_simple_shell ) |
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Aspiring Full-Stack Software Engineer