
AFX-01 Sequencer

Primary LanguageArduino


AFX-01 Sequencer


looks like most of this is out of date already :D need to update readme.md with current feature list.

The beginnings of an open source hardware sequencer project based on the Teensy 3.1 and an Atmel SAM2695 sound chip.

  • Hardware (subject to change)

    • Teensy 3.1 Microcontroller
    • Atmel SAM2695 Sound Chip
    • 128x64 OLED Graphic LCD
    • 4x4 RGB LED note indicators
    • 4 vertical buttons
    • 4 horizontal buttons
    • 3x Rotary Encoders
    • 4x mode buttons
  • Feature Intentions:

    • MIDI sync
    • Live Arpeggiation Mode
    • Live Sequence Transpose Mode
    • Internal sound generation (with Atmel chip)
    • USB Bus / Battery powerable (external USB probably to start)
    • Eurorack quick mount capability? (dependins on final form factor)
    • Scale Quantization
    • Microtonal Scale Capabilities
    • Perlin Noise based generative sequences
    • Fractional Brownian Motion based iterative microtonal sequences
    • Midi Transforms
      • Pre-Quantized Randomizer
      • Cross-sequence influencer
      • Rotational logic
      • Random Step
      • Perlin noise based step
    • MIDI out
    • CV breakout / addon
      • 3x CV out
      • 3x Gate out
      • 3x CC1 out
      • 3x CC2 out
      • 4x Percussion Triggers


Objective To create a device which will allow one to compose music on the fly without a computer, intended to sequence synthesizers in a live or studio setting.

  • Simple Sample player

    • ability to play simple instruments to simulate synth sequences
    • sine, square, triangle synth with low pass, band pass and high pass filter.
    • envelope generator for filter and amp
    • sample synth can replace waveforms
  • Step Sequencer

    • 256 step sequences possible (16 pages of 16)
    • Each step has 2 parameters
    • Note + modulation
    • Each step can also have variable length
    • Step 1 can be two beats long, while step 2 can be one beat
    • Each sequence can be measured in beats or steps
    • a 16 step sequence can be 16 beats long, or have 2 beat - steps and be 32 beats long
    • Each step can trigger another sequence
    • Each sequence trigger has parameters
    • Step 1 can also trigger a
  • Each Set of Sequences - The controller of time

    • Can have up to 16 simultaneous sequences
    • Master Sequence (default is first sequence made, but can be - changed)
    • Retrigger for each sequence
    • Play once, retrigger with master sequence
    • Loop and retriever with master sequence
    • Loop with no retrigger for euclidean polyrhythms
    • Time modifiers for each sequence
    • Each sequence - The controller of melody
    • Default note length
    • Default scale lock (scale + mode)
    • Tempo
    • Time signature (dictates step length + measure length)
    • Length in beats (max 512?)
    • Type (Step Sequence, Euclidean)
    • Methods
    • Sequence Copy
    • Random setting
      • Type (regular random, 1st order perlin, 2nd order perlin etc - etc
    • % chance of random trigger
    • of choices for random influence

    • scale = multiplier of random influence - based on ableton - random midi patch
    • Repeat type (Mirror repeat - random will repeat in reverse on every other measure, based on previous measure)
  • Each Step - The controller of sound

    • Step type
      • Note or sequence
    • Note Type:
      • Can trigger 5 notes n0..5 - on midi it will send each note. - If voice is monophonic, these can be used for arpeggiators
      • n0 = 0-127 note to trigger
      • n1 = Chord note 1
      • n2 = Chord note 2
      • n4 = Chord note 3
      • µT = micro timing in 1/16th of a beat time positive or - negative values?
    • Each note has a length, which is inherited from the sequence - object
    • Sequence Type
    • Sequence to play - choose from memory bank - with preview