
Automation for provisioning the required networking configuration required by the OCI Sharding DB Service

OCI DB Sharding Service - Required IAM & Network Configurations for the customer tenancy

Table of Contents

1. Summary
2. Setup IAM Configuration
3. Setup Network Configuration
4. Run with ORM
5. Run with TF CLI


1. Summary

OP. NAME Provisioning the required OCI IAM & Netwoking configuration for sharding
OBJECTIVE Provisioning the required OCI IAM & Netwoking configuration for sharding.
TARGET RESOURCES - Security: Compartments, Groups, Policies
- Network: DRG, VCN, Subnets, SL, RT, DRG, RPCs
IAM CONFIG open_lz_shared_identity.auto.tfvars.json
NETWORK CONFIG sharding_network_region_1.auto.tfvars.json, sharding_network_region_2.auto.tfvars.json
DETAILS For more details refer to the ...
PRE-ACTIVITIES Tenancy created. Review configuration files.
POST-ACTIVITIES Review provisioned configuration, terraform output and terraform state file.
RUN OPERATION Use ORM or use Terraform CLI.




2. Setup IAM Configuration

For configuring and running the Sharding IAM layer use the following JSON file: sharding_identity_master.auto.tfvars.json. You can customize this configuration to fit your exact OCI IAM topology.

This configuration file will cover the following four categories of resources described in the next sections.


2.1. Compartments

The diagram below identifies the compartments in the scope of this operation.



The corresponding JSON configuration for the compartments topology is:

    "compartments_configuration": {
        "enable_delete": "true",
        "default_parent_ocid": "ocid1.....",
        "compartments": {
                "name": "cmp-sharding-network",
                "description": "OCI Sharding Network Compartment",
                "defined_tags": null,
                "freeform_tags": {
                    "oci-open-lz": "oci-sharding",
                    "oci-open-lz-customer": "oci-sharding-customer",
                    "oci-open-lz-cmp": "network"

For extended documentation please refer to the Identity & Access Management CIS Terraform module compartments example.


2.2 Groups

The corresponding JSON configuration for the groups topology is:

    "groups_configuration": {
        "default_defined_tags": null,
        "default_freeform_tags": null,
        "groups": {
            "GRP-NETWORK-ADMINS": {
                "name": "grp-network-sharding-admins",
                "description": "Sharding Network Admins"

This automation provides fully supports any kind of OCI IAM Groups topology to be specified in the JSON format.

For an example of such a configuration and for extended documentation please refer to the Identity & Access Management CIS Terraform module groups example.


2.3 Dynamic Groups

The corresponding JSON configuration for the dynamic groups topology is:

   "dynamic_groups_configuration": null,

This automation fully supports any kind of OCI IAM Dynamic Groups to be specified in the JSON format.

For an example of such configuration and for extended documentation please refer to the Identity & Access Management CIS Terraform module dynamic groups example.


2.4 Policies

The corresponding JSON configuration for the policies is:

For this example, replace the compartment_ocid to your tenancy OCID.

    "policies_configuration": {
        "enable_cis_benchmark_checks": "false",
        "supplied_policies": {
                "name": "sharding-network-administration",
                "description": "Sharding Network Policies",
                "compartment_ocid": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaalu3dpja5enhyfe6ls4s3n2kw2ooatry2lv32y6ea7ds2ducspkda",
                "statements": [
                    "allow group grp-network-admins to manage virtual-network-family in compartment cmp-sharding-network"

This automation fully supports any type of OCI IAM Policy to be specified in the JSON format.

For an example of such configuration and for extended documentation please refer to the Identity & Access Management CIS Terraform module policies examples.


3. Setup Network Configuration

For configuring the OCI Sharding required Network configuration open and edit the following JSON configuration file: sharding_network_region_ashburn.auto.tfvars.json.

You can customize this JSON configuration to fit your exact OCI Networking topology. This Terraform automation is extremely versatible and can support any type of network topology.

For complete documentation and a larger set of examples on configuring an OCI networking topology using this JSON terraform automation approach please refer to the OCI CIS Terraform Networking Module documentation and examples.


4. Run with ORM

1 Deploy to Ashburn Region Deploy_To_OCI
2 Deploy to Frankfurt Region Deploy_To_OCI
3 Accept terms, wait for the configuration to load.
4 Set the working directory to “orm-facade”.
5 Set the stack name you prefer.
6 Set the terraform version to 1.2.x. Click Next.
7 Accept the default configurations. Click Next. Optionally,replace with your json/yaml config files.
8 Un-check run apply. Click Create.


5. Run with Terraform CLI


5.1. Setup Terraform Authentication

For authenticating against the OCI tenancy terraform execute the following instructions.


5.2 Clone this Git repo to your Machine

git clone git@github.com:oracle-quickstart/terraform-oci-open-lz.git?ref=v1.0.0

For referring to a specific module version, append ref=<version> to the source attribute value.


5.3 Change the Directory to the Terraform Orchestrator Module

Change the directory to the terraform-oci-open-lz/orchestrator Terraform orchestrator module.


5.4 Run terraform init

Run ```terraform init`````` to download all the required external terraform providers and Terraform modules. See command example for more details on the expected output.


5.5 Run terraform plan

Run ```terraform plan`````` with the IAM and Network configuration.

terraform129 plan \                                                               
-var-file ../../terraform-oci-sharding-db-networking/oci-credentials-ashburn.tfvars.json \
-var-file ../../terraform-oci-sharding-db-networking/sharding_identity_master.auto.tfvars.json \
-var-file ../../terraform-oci-sharding-db-networking/sharding_network_region_ashburn.auto.tfvars.json \
-state ../../terraform-oci-sharding-db-networking/terraform-ashburn.tfstate

terraform129 plan \                                                               
-var-file ../../terraform-oci-sharding-db-networking/oci-credentials-frankfurt.tfvars.json \
-var-file ../../terraform-oci-sharding-db-networking/sharding_identity_null.auto.tfvars.json \  
-var-file ../../terraform-oci-sharding-db-networking/sharding_network_region_frankfurt.auto.tfvars.json \
-state ../../terraform-oci-sharding-db-networking/terraform-frankfurt.tfstate

After the execution please analyze the output of the command above and check if it corresponds to your desired configuration.

Note that the terraform.tfstate file is generated in the configuration location and not in the Terraform code location. This is the expected configuration as the Terraform automation can support any number of configurations and the state file will belong to the configuration and not to the code.

The ideal scenario regarding the state file will be for each configuration to have a corresponding OCI Object Storage location for the state file. For more details on the Terraform state file recommended configuration please refer to the following documentation.


5.6 Run terraform apply

Run terraform apply with the IAM and Network configuration. After its execution the configured resources will be provisioned or updated on OCI.

terraform129 apply \                                                               
-var-file ../../terraform-oci-sharding-db-networking/oci-credentials-ashburn.tfvars.json \
-var-file ../../terraform-oci-sharding-db-networking/sharding_identity_master.auto.tfvars.json \
-var-file ../../terraform-oci-sharding-db-networking/sharding_network_region_ashburn.auto.tfvars.json \
-state ../../terraform-oci-sharding-db-networking/terraform-ashburn.tfstate

terraform129 apply \                                                               
-var-file ../../terraform-oci-sharding-db-networking/oci-credentials-frankfurt.tfvars.json \
-var-file ../../terraform-oci-sharding-db-networking/sharding_identity_null.auto.tfvars.json \  
-var-file ../../terraform-oci-sharding-db-networking/sharding_network_region_frankfurt.auto.tfvars.json \
-state ../../terraform-oci-sharding-db-networking/terraform-frankfurt.tfstate

Depending on your JSON configuration configurations the output of the terraform apply should be identical or similar to this example.



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