
Convert csv files from different sources, like banks to YNAB ( youneedabudget.com ) ready csv files

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


by @cosminlupu

Converts bank ( and other sources ) .csv files to .csv files ready to import in YNAB ( youneedabudget.com )

Build Status Coverage Status


  • CSV conversion
  • API to use to-ynab programmatically
  • CLI for easy use


  • Support for more .csv sources ( Currently only Nordea bank )
  • Support for own source config via a json file

How to install

To use to-ynab via cli, install it globally using npm:

npm install -g to-ynab

If you want to use the API instead, install it locally:

npm install --save to-ynab

then, include it in your javascript:

var to-ynab = require('to-ynab');

How to use via CLI

To create a YNAB ready .csv file from your own .csv file

to-ynab <file.csv>

For example:

to-ynab transactions.csv

Will generate ynab.csv.

Available CLI options

  • -h, --help output usage information
  • -V, --version output the version number
  • -s, --source [value] Source to use for reading the provided csv. Default: nordea
  • -o, --output [value] Output filename (with or without .csv extension). Default: ynab
  • -l, --lastdate [value] Last date for a transaction to be added to generated csv.
  • -p, --payees [payees] List of payees to match in description, comma separated.
  • -d, --delimitor [value] Cell delimitor in source file ( same one will be used in generated file). Default: ;
  • -c, --csvstring Provide a csv string instead of file
  • -n, --no-write Does not write the generated file, it just outputs it.
  • -f, --dateformat [value] Date format for the generated csv. Default: DD/MM/YYYY

How to use via API

Include to-ynab in your javascript with:

let to-ynab = require('to-ynab');

Then to render a csv file:

    .then( (result) => {
        console.log(result); //In this case result will a success message with the location of the generated file
    }).catch( (err) => {

Passing options:

to-ynab('transactions.csv', {
        output: myfile.csv,
        write: false
    }).then( (result) => {
        console.log(result); //In this case result will be a string version of the generated file
    }).catch( (err) => {

Available API options

    source: 'nordea',                   //Source to use for reading the provided csv. Default: _nordea_
    output: 'ynab',                     //Output filename (with or without .csv extension). Default: _ynab_
    lastdate: '18/10/2016',             //Last date for a transaction to be added to generated csv.
    payees: ['Just eat', 'Spotify'],    //List of payees to match in description, comma separated.
    delimitor: ';',                     //Cell delimitor in source file ( same one will be used in generated file). Default: _;_
    csvstring: false,                   //Provide a csv string instead of file
    write: true,                        //Writes the contents to file. Default: _true_
    dateformat: 'DD/MM/YYYY'            //Date format for the generated csv. Default: _DD/MM/YYYY_

Developing / extending

  • To install dependencies execute npm install
  • To test, execute npm test ( This will run Mocha tests and Instanbul coverage report)
  • To execute the CLI, execute npm start -- <file.csv> [options]
  • To install your local version globally, execute npm install -g . on the project folder ( Only use for development)

How to contribute

To contribute to to-ynab you should fork this repository with git.

  1. Make a change that you might see fit on your own fork ( using develop branch )
  2. Create tests for your change, and also make sure the existing tests pass
  3. Only make pull requests from the develop branch. Pull requests from master won't be merged
  4. Check the opened and closed issues before creating one

Thanks for your help!
