
Symfony Rest Client Bundle

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Symfony Rest Client Bundle using GuzzleHttp and Ocramius/ProxyManager


To install CosRestClientBundle with Composer execute the following command:

$ composer require "cos/rest-client-bundle": "dev-master"

Now, Composer will automatically download all required files, and install them for you. All that is left to do is to update your AppKernel.php file, and register the new bundle:


// in AppKernel::registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
    // ...
    new Cos\RestClientBundle\CosRestClientBundle(),
    // ...

The bundle is now installed. Lets start configure with the bundle.

Configuration reference

# config.yml
    annotation_reader: annotation_reader # annotation reader service id
    # http clients and base URLs
        default: { baseUri: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com' }


Define a rest resource interface


namespace AppBundle\Rest;

use Cos\RestClientBundle\Annotation\Client;
use Cos\RestClientBundle\Annotation\Endpoint;
use Cos\RestClientBundle\Annotation\Form;
use Cos\RestClientBundle\Annotation\Json;
use Cos\RestClientBundle\Annotation\Path;
use Cos\RestClientBundle\Annotation\Query;

 * Client configuration  
 * @Client(name="default")
interface Posts
     * @Path(name="id", paramName="idParam")
     * @Endpoint(uri="/posts/{id}", method="get")
    public function get($idParam);

     * @Query(name="userId")
     * @Endpoint(uri="/posts")
    public function getWithQuery($userId);

     * @Form(name="formData")
     * @Endpoint(uri="/posts", method="POST")
    public function form(array $formData);

     * @Json(name="data")
     * @Endpoint(uri="/posts", method="POST")
    public function json(array $data);

Create proxy for Posts

    //in controller
    $proxyFactory = $this->get('cos_rest_client.proxy_factory');
    $proxy = $proxyFactory->create(Posts::class);

Call proxy methods defined in interface

    $proxy->get(1); //request for client base uri + /posts/1
    $proxy->getWithQuery(1)->getBody()->getContents(); //request for /posts?userId=1
    $data = ['foo' => 'bar']
    $proxy->form($data) //post request where $data is sent as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    $proxy->json($data) // send data as json


Every method call from a proxy return a Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface

Full example



RequestEvent: dispatched before a request is executed
ResponseEvent: dispatched when response is received