
Primary LanguageDartGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



An inititive to feed everyone.

GNU General Public License v3.0

What’s In This Document

🥪 About HungOver

India is a land of vibrant rituals and celebrations. Throughout the year we see various community events being organized, and any such community event is considered incomplete without a meal to satisfy your hunger needs. However there is also a cost to pay - wastage of the surplus. We identified two primary reasons behind such wastage:

  1. Inability to accurately predict the number of plates to be ordered considering the number of guests invited.
  2. Inability to properly distribute the surplus from the event where it is a “waste” to the poor where it is a “need”.

Hence, we came up with an app idea primarily focused to address these issues and thereby solving two of the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations - “Responsible Consumption & Production” and also “Zero Hunger”. We present HungOver - an app designed to fight global hunger by rapidly channeling the surplus food that’s wasted in community events to the needy people via local NGOs and other partners.

🚀 Get Up and Running in 5 Minutes

💻 HungOver Web App

To Run the HungOver Web app on the local device, one must get the following requirements :

  • Operating System (OS): Windows/Linux/MacOS/ChromeOS
  • node and npm
  • Code Editor (Visual Studio Code) or any other which you prefer
  1. Installation Guide

    Download node js in your system. You can do this from the link given here.

    node js.

  2. Verify the installation

    Verify the software installation by running the following command in the Terminal/Command Prompt:

    node -v
  3. Run the code

    • Clone the repo.
    • Go ta app directory.
    • Run npm install in your terminal. This will install all the dependencies required to run the application.
    • Run npm start in your terminal. This will start the development server.
    • Go to localhost:3000 in your browser.

📱 HungOver Flutter App for Android

To Run the HungOver Flutter app on the local device, one must get the following requirements :

  • Operating System (OS): Windows/Linux/MacOS/ChromeOS
  • Flutter Software Development Kit (SDK)
  • Android Studio (contanis Android SDK Tools)
  • Code Editor (Android Studio OR Microsoft VSCode)
  • Android Virtual Emulator (Android Mobile devices can aslo be used as an Emulator)
  1. Installation Guide

    To get started with necessary software installations, follow the step-wise detailed instructions by visiting the link below :


  2. Accept the Android Licenses

After the installation of the above mentioned softwares, open the Terminal/Command Prompt & run the following command to accept the Android License Agreements.

flutter doctor --android-licenses
  • Note:- After running the above command, press 'y' each time when asked to accept all Android licenses.
  1. Verify the installation

    Verify the software installation by running the following command in the Terminal/Command Prompt:

    flutter doctor -v
  2. Run the code

    • Open Android Virtual Emulator on the system OR connect any Android Mobile Device via USB with USB debugging enabled.

    • Open Android Studio on the system and click on "Open an Existing Project" & select to the folder which contains the source code. Then click on OK button.

    • Install all the dependencies used :

      flutter pub get
    • Now, go to Run menu of Android Studio and click on "Run".

That's it. Now you're good to go!

📝 License

Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

💜 Thanks

Thanks to our team.