
Laravel Stripe implementation

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- An implementation of Laravel package with stripe payment solutions


Installation is pretty much Laravel basic installation and node package installation using npm or yarn.

- `git clone https://github.com/cosmoarunn/LaravelStripe.git1
- Rename env.example to .env 
- change environment variables APP_NAME, APP_URL, DB_* etc as you see fit.
- Add Stripe keys to the end of .env
- Run `composer install`
- for node packages, run `yarn` or `npm install` as you prefer. 
- Run `php artisan key:generate`
- Run `php artisan migrate`
- Run `php artisan serve --port=xxxx`
- Open another terminal and run `yarn run watch` for laravel mix and hot updates.




Thank you for considering contributing to the LaravelStripe!

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Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within Laravel, please send an e-mail to Taylor Otwell via aps@fgbs.uk. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


The UnLicense