
UCI chess engine written in Rust

Primary LanguageRust

Cheers - a UCI chess engine written in Rust

Cheers is not a complete chess program and should be used in conjunction with a UCI frontend e.g. Cute Chess.


Currently supported options are:

  • Hash: Default: 32, Minimum: 1, Maximum: 32768
    Transposition table size in megabytes.
  • Threads Default: 1, Minimum: 1, Maximum: 256
    The number of thread to search with.
  • NmpDepth: Default: 1, Minimum: 1, Maximum: 10
    The depth above which Null Move Pruning is applied.
  • NmpConstReduction: Default: 3, Minimum: 1, Maximum: 10
    The constant reduction to apply to all Null Move Pruning.
  • NmpLinearDivisor: Default: 3, Minimum: 1, Maximum: 10
    The divisor applied to the depth in Null Move Pruning. The general formula is reduction = NmpConstReduction + (depth / NmpLinearDivisor).
  • SeePruningDepth: Default: 6, Minimum: 1, Maximum: 10
    The depth below which SEE Pruning is applied.
  • SeeCaptureMargin: Default: -30, Minimum: -200, Maximum: 200
    The margin around beta where SEE Pruning is accepted for captures.
  • SeeQuietMargin: Default: -98, Minimum: -100, Maximum: -100
    The margin around beta where SEE Pruning is accepted for quiet moves.
  • PvsFullDepth: Default: 2, Minimum: 1, Maximum: 5
    The depth at which all moves are searched without reductions.
  • DeltaPruningMargin: Default: 91, Miniimum: 0, Maximum: 300
    The margin around beta where Delta Pruning is accepted.
  • FpMargin1: Default: 162, Minimum: 0, Maximum: 300
    The margin around alpha where Futility Pruning is accepted at depth 1.
  • FpMargin2: Default: 320, Minimum: 0, Maximum: 700
    The margin around alpha where Futility Pruning is accepted at depth 2.
  • FpMargin3: Default: 706, Minimum: 500, Maximum: 1000
    The margin around alpha where Futility Pruning is accepted at depth 3.
  • RfpMargin: Default: 140, Minimum: 0, Maximum: 300
    The margin around beta where Reverse Futility Pruning is accepted.
  • LmpDepth: Default: 2, Minimum: 0, Maximum: 10
    The depth at or below which Late Move Pruning is applied
  • LmpMargin: Default: 6, Minimum: 1, Maximum: 15
    The quadratic coefficient with depth. After LmpMargin * depth*depth moves pruning can be applied.
  • IirDepth: Default: 6, Minimum: 2, Maximum: 10
    The depth above which Internal Iterative Reduction is applied.

Features (in no particular order)


  • Magic Bitboard board representation
  • Legal move generation


  • Multithreading with Lazy SMP
  • Iterative Deeping
  • Transposition Table
  • Aspiration Windows
  • Principal Variation Alpha-Beta search
  • Null Move Pruning
  • Late Move Reduction
  • Late Move Pruning
  • Futility Pruning
  • Reverse Futility Pruning
  • Internal Iterative Reduction
  • Static Exchange Evaluation Pruning
  • Mate Distance Pruning

Quiescence Search

  • Transposition Table
  • Delta Pruning
  • Static Exchange Evaluation Pruning

Move Ordering

  • Hash move from transposition table
  • MVV-LVA ordering on captures
  • Queen promotions
  • Killer Move Heuristic
  • Counter Move Heuristic
  • History Heuristic


Cheers currently uses a hand-crafted evaluation function with Texel-tuned parameters. NNUE is planned for the future.


  • Tapered Evaluation
  • Pawn Hash Table


  • Material
  • Piece-Square Tables
  • Doubled Pawn
  • Isolated Pawn
  • Connected Pawn
  • Phalanx Pawn
  • Passed Pawn Piece-Square Table
  • Passed Pawn Distance to Friendly King
  • Passed Pawn Distance from Enemy King


  • Material
  • Piece-Square Tables
  • Mobility
  • Knight behind Pawn
  • Knight Threats
  • Knight on (defended) Outpost


  • Material
  • Piece-Square Tables
  • Mobility
  • Bishop behind Pawn
  • Bishop on (defended) Outpost
  • Bishop Pair
  • Bishop Threats


  • Material
  • Piece-Square Tables
  • Mobility
  • Rook on (semi) open file
  • Rook on Queen File
  • Rook Threats


  • Material
  • Piece-Square Tables
  • Mobility
  • Risk of Discovered Attack


  • Piece-Square Tables
  • Mobility
  • Virtual Mobility
  • King on (semi) open file
  • King Ring Attacks
  • Risk of Discoverd Attack