
a code-free repo so Kate can use Git

Primary LanguageHTML


This is a repo so that Kate can learn how Git works.

why tho

Becuase Git works for more than just code, and because I think it's useful for non-developers—particularly those who work closely with developers or write about technology—to get a better understanding of how this aspect of software development works.

so how

This repo contains the code for an extremely basic website that looks something like http://cosmocatalano.com/lab/gitscomplikated/. In fact, that site pulls the contents of the repo master branch from github every time it's loaded.

The technology involved is super-basic in the interests of

  • working everywhere
  • minimimzing setup time
  • displaying a single product that results from smaller interacting peieces
  • not requiring the user to write any code.

After cloing the repo, you'll have a copy of the code that runs that website on your local machine. You can view that local version of the website by opening index.html, and you can edit the text of index.html by modifying files in the text directory. You can also add new files so long as they match the pattern graf-[a number].txt (and so long as [a number] is less than 10).

ok but

The idea is you could use this repo to create a branch, edit the files in the text folder to see how Git recognizes changes and additions, and refresh index.html to see the impact of those local changes. You could also go through the process of commiting changes, publishing a branch to the remote, making a pull request to merge the branch back into the master, and see the changes live at http://cosmocatalano.com/lab/gitscomplikated/.

If you really wanted to get freaky, you could have multiple people making simultaneous to text files, conflicting edits and see what happens when you try to merge…