
Demonstration of a good usage of the Python pickle module

Primary LanguagePython


Answering the question: when is the right time to use the Python pickle module?


The Python pickle module lets you serialize arbitrary Python objects to disk. It comes with two important caveats:

  1. The pickle module is not secure against erroneous or maliciously constructed data. Never unpickle data received from an untrusted or unauthenticated source.
  2. Pickled objects are not guaranteed to be usable if you change your source code, for instance if you release an update. (This is actually true of all serialization formats, but some of them make it easier to deal with than others.)

Please make sure you understand these two caveats. I completely agree with them.

Having said that, some people think these caveats mean you should never use pickle, and there I disagree. Yes pickle can be misused, but that doesn't mean it's impossible or even all that hard to use it well. If you think that it's not worth putting any thought into the tool you use, just go ahead and avoid pickle at all costs to make sure you're not misusing it. If you're willing to think a little bit, however, here are the advantages pickle has over other serialization options in Python:

  1. It's fast.
  2. It's built in, so it's available everywhere.
  3. It requires you to write less custom serialization code. Less code means less chances for errors. Thus pickle, when used correctly, is less error-prone than other options used correctly.

Therefore I claim that if you're writing a Python program that requires some non-trivial state, that can be reconstructed if needed, and you care about speed or about avoiding bugs, then pickle is a good tool to consider.

This repository contains examples of problems where I think it's appropriate to consider pickle. For each problem, I implement several different solutions using different serialization modules. I'll measure runtime benchmarks, as well as give my subjective opinion on the additional code overhead required to use different solutions.

All code is written in the latest version of Python available on Ubuntu (currently Python 3.5). Benchmarks are run on some laptop running Ubuntu.

Example: hyphenation

Problem description

Write a Python script that adds hyphenation breaks to English text, so that you know where you can break a word for hyphenation. Use the algorithm created by Frank Liang, for which there is a Python implementation by Ned Batchelder.

The algorithm involves parsing a large list of strings to build an object that contains two data structures, one of which is a trie-like thing consisting of nested dicts. Instead of parsing the strings and rebuilding the object each time the script is run, consider serializing the object (or its data structures).

Serialization formats evaluated

  1. No serialization (baseline)
  2. json
  3. pickle
  4. msgpack
  5. yaml


Hyphenation runtimes

format runtime (s) uncertainty (s) file size (kb)
baseline 0.0670 0.00083 34
json 0.0556 0.00085 185
pickle 0.0459 0.00174 173
msgpack 0.0583 0.00059 64
yaml 4.2091 0.04437 254


For this problem, serialization is probably not crucial. The baseline implemetation without serialization already runs fairly fast. You can probably get away without serialization here, unless you care a lot about speed.

However, if you do care about speed and decide to serialize, pickle is the clear winner. It's the fastest option, about 32% faster than baseline, and requires zero additional code. json and msgpack, in addition to being slower (17% and 13% faster than baseline), both require tweaking the internals of the hyphenate object. It's not a lot of additional code, but it's the kind of code I hate to write. It's unpythonic: I had to use isinstance to check the types in the deserialized data.

Furthermore, both json and msgpack failed silently before I added this tweak. Each one acted as if it had run correctly, but no hyphenation breaks were actually added. Of course you should always test your code, but be extra vigilant if you're serializing Python objects with json or msgpack.

yaml, like pickle, requires no additional code, but it's completely unusable here. It's far too slow to be worthwhile, around 60x slower than baseline.

msgpack has the smallest file size, but still larger than baseline.