CWScript is a high-level programming language designed for writing smart contracts on the CosmWasm platform. It is focused on simplifying the process of creating smart contracts while maintaining compatibility with Rust and CosmWasm programming patterns. CWScript enforces a more constrained framework for writing smart contracts, allowing developers to build on a well-defined domain. This approach aims to streamline code organization, composability patterns, and the overall development experience.
cwsc is written in TypeScript and requires Node.js v16 or later.
- Simplified syntax, reducing syntactic noise and enhancing readability
- High-level translation to idiomatic CosmWasm Rust patterns
- Tooling-first approach, built for seamless integration with existing and new development tools
- Designed to be extensible and compatible with Rust
- Comprehensive documentation to guide you through the CWScript journey
Initial release coming soon. Announcement will be made on official channels.
Please refer to the official documentation for a complete guide on how to use CWScript and the cwsc compiler. Discover how to create, compile, and deploy smart contracts, and learn about the unique features of CWScript that simplify development and increase productivity.
contract HelloWorld {
state {
greeting: String
#instantiate(init_greeting: String) {
$state.greeting = init_greeting
exec #update_greeting(new_greeting: String) {
$state.greeting = new_greeting
query #get_greeting() -> String {
return $state.greeting
contract MyToken {
state {
total_supply: Uint128,
balances[Address]: Uint128 = 0
#instantiate(initial_supply: Uint128) {
let creator = $info.sender
$state.total_supply = initial_supply
$state.balances[creator] = initial_supply
exec #transfer(to: Address, amount: Uint128) {
let sender = $info.sender
let sender_balance = $state.balances[sender] ?? Uint128(0)
assert!(sender_balance >= amount, "Insufficient balance")
$state.balances[sender] = sender_balance - amount
$state.balances[to] += amount
query #balance_of(address: Address) -> Uint128 {
return $state.balances[address] ?? Uint128(0)
query #total_supply() -> Uint128 {
return $state.total_supply
import { CW20 } from "standards/cw20"
contract ProxyContract {
state {
target_token: Address
#instantiate(target_token_address: Address) {
$state.target_token = target_token_address
exec #transfer_proxy(to: Address, amount: Uint128) {
let sender = $info.sender
// Call the transfer method of the target CW20 contract
exec! CW20($state.target_token).#transfer(to, amount)
query #balance_of_proxy(address: Address) -> Uint128 {
// Call the balance_of method of the target CW20 contract
return query! CW20($state.target_token).#balance_of(address)
import { SubaccountId, MarketId } from "injective/types"
import { FPDecimal } from "injective/math"
import { CW2 } from "standards/cw2"
const CONTRACT_NAME = ""
const CONTRACT_VERSION = "0.0.1"
contract AtomicOrderExample extends CW2 {
state {
config: struct ContractConfigState {
market_id: MarketId,
owner: Address,
contract_subaccount_id: SubaccountId,
base_denom: String,
quote_denom: String
swap_operation_state: struct SwapCacheState {
sender_address: String,
deposited_amount: Coin
market_id: MarketId
) {
let market = try {
query! Exchange.#market(market_id)
} else fail! "Market with id: {market_id} not found"
let config = ContractConfigState {
base_denom: market.base_denom,
quote_denom: market.quote_denom,
owner: $info.sender,
contract_subaccount_id: SubaccountId($env.contract.address, 0),
CW2.set_contract_version!($, CONTRACT_NAME, CONTRACT_VERSION)
// we've changed it to "config"
$state.config = config
emit event(method="instantiate", owner=$info.sender) // anonymous event
reply.success handle_atomic_order() {
let dec_scale_factor = FPDecimal(1000000000000000000)
let order_response = Exchange.#create_spot_market_order::parse_response!($data)
let trade_data = order_response.results ?? fail! "No trade data in order response"
let quantity = FPDecimal!(trade_data.quantity)
let price = FPDecimal!(trade_data.price)
let fee = FPDecimal!(trade_data.fee)
let { config, cache } = $state
let contract_address = $env.contract.address
let subaccount_id = config.contract_subaccount_id
let cache = $state.cache
let purchased_coins = coin(quantity, config.base_denom)
let pair = quantity * price + fee
let leftover = cache.deposited_amount.amount - paid
exec! Exchange.#withdraw(contract_address, subaccount_id, purchased_coins)
exec! Exchange.#withdraw(contract_address, subaccount_id, leftover_coins)
exec! Bank.#send(cache.sender_address, [purchased_coins, leftover_coins])
exec #swap_spot(quantity: FPDecimal, price: FPDecimal) {
let { config } = $state
let contract = $env.contract.address
let subaccount_id = config.contract_subaccount_id
let min_deposit = price quantity
if $info.funds.is_empty() {
fail! "No funds deposited!"
let message_deposit = FPDecimal!($info.funds[0].amount)
if message_deposit < min_deposit {
fail! "Deposit: {message_deposit} below min_deposit: {min_deposit}"
let order = SpotOrder(
price, quantity, OrderType.#BuyAtomic, config.market_id, subaccount_id, contract
let coins = $info.funds[0]
$state.swap_operation_state = SwapCacheState($info.sender, coins)
exec! Exchange.#deposit(contract, subaccount_id, coins)
exec! Exchange.create_spot_market_order(contract, order)
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No developer or entity involved in creating this software will be liable for any claims or damages whatsoever associated with your use, inability to use, or your interaction with other users of the code, including any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, or loss of profits, cryptocurrencies, tokens, or anything else of value.
CWScript, cwsc, and its bundled toolchain are licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright © 2021-2023 Web, Inc.