
Use Laravel Blade style sections in your PyroCMS templates with this simple plugin

Primary LanguagePHP

PyroCMS Section Plugin

Deprecated: Looking for a new maintainer for this package. Open an issue if interested.

Use Laravel Blade style sections in your PyroCMS templates with this simple plugin.


The purpose of this plugin to to allow you to declare a section in any of your views and access it anywhere, no matter which comes first.

So if you need to append some metadata to your header from your footer then you can do so by delcaring your section in your footer and yielding the section in your header.

So you can yield a section anywhere in any view, even if that view is processed before your section is declared.

Sound good? Awesome! See below for a usage guide.


This plugin is very simple to use.

Declaring a section

To declare a section, use the following syntax.

{{ section:name }}
 This is my section
{{ /section:name }}

name is whatever you want to call your section.

Yielding a section

To yield a section, use the following syntax.

{{ section:name }}

Appending to a section

If you want to add to your section in multiple places, then you can append to your section using the same syntax which you used to declare it.