
A new Flutter project.

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

Setting Up the Project:

  1. Clone the project repository from GitHub: git clone https://github.com/aniket8439/task_manager.git

  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd task_manager

  3. Install dependencies: flutter pub get

  4. Run the project on your preferred device: flutter run

Project Structure: The project structure is organized as follows:

lib/: Contains the Dart files for the Flutter project. model/: Contains the Dart files defining the data model. view/: Contains the Dart files for different screens and views. controller/: Contains the Dart files managing the business logic of the application. pubspec.yaml: Defines the project dependencies and metadata.

How to Use:

Task Manager App: The Task Manager app allows users to track their tasks, mark them as completed, edit existing tasks, and add new tasks.

Adding a Task:

Click on the floating action button (+) on the Task List screen to add a new task. Enter the title and description of the task and click on "Add Task" to save it.

Editing a Task:

Click on the "Edit" icon next to a task on the Uncompleted Tasks screen to edit the task details. Modify the title and description as needed and click on "Save" to update the task.

Marking a Task as Completed:

On the Uncompleted Tasks screen, click on the checkbox next to a task to mark it as completed. The task will be moved to the Completed Tasks screen.

Deleting a Task:

On the Completed Tasks screen, click on the "Delete" icon next to a task to delete it. The task will be permanently removed from the list.