- 2
docs: how to revive an expired IBC client
#1475 opened by Reecepbcups - 0
Error when Cosmos Relayer tries to connect to endpoint
#1518 opened by napelvs - 2
Support verifyAdjacent
#1513 opened by danwt - 0
Add a custom User-Agent to rly queries
#1511 opened by freak12techno - 0
When fetching chain from chain-registry, gas-prices are calculated incorrectly
#1507 opened by freak12techno - 6
Flush not complete
#1464 opened by avolon42x - 0
Add a metric to display the latest block time
#1505 opened by freak12techno - 5
(Almost) all tx errors, except for "packet messages are redundant", are considered as "Tx Failure" in Prometheus metrics
#1500 opened by freak12techno - 0
Unrelated message
#1502 opened by AntiTyping - 0
Neutron v0.50 ICS failed to get trusting period
#1501 opened by Reecepbcups - 4
- 2
identifier cannot be blank: invalid identifier
#1452 opened by liuzeming1 - 4
- 6
timeout packet verification failed
#1472 opened by hallazzang - 1
Add support for Nibiru EthAccount through Codecs Flag
#1493 opened by ertemann - 2
- 0
- 2
Ensure `msgUpdateClient` is not nil before appending to batch in `sendBatchMessages`
#1406 opened by LeTrongDat - 2
GenesisL1 chain problems
#1420 opened by StakeandRelax-Validator - 0
deadline exceeded easily when GetEipBaseFee
#1471 opened by mmsqe - 2
node configuration
#1417 opened by TaurusCar - 0
feature: multiple balance query
#1429 opened by danbryan - 10
Reached max retries querying for block
#1402 opened by gaia - 3
2.5.1 error messages
#1427 opened by PFC-developer - 1
- 11
[BUG] Using feegrant, if a grantee doesn't have sufficient fees RLY errors out
#1349 opened by dylanschultzie - 5
- 3
Question about custom Stride Docker image
#1432 opened by rootulp - 1
"Failed to query node status... error in json rpc client, with http response metadata"
#1439 opened by taitruong - 3
Add support query ibc-denoms for a given chain id and path
#1416 opened by tnv1 - 2
- 1
Enabling Namada's IBC Transfer Support in Go-Relayer
#1418 opened by meetrick - 14
Context deadline exceed when starting go-relayer with Osmosis node started more than 1 hr ago
#1389 opened by jununifi - 6
Make Batch delay configurable
#1374 opened by ertemann - 3
RLY should model gas fees for Block SDK enabled chains using the on-chain endpoint
#1368 opened by ertemann - 0
refactor: consider breaking out `gas-prices` config value into two different values
#1414 opened by jtieri - 0
refactor: dynamic fee support should be generalized to work with Skip Fee Market module
#1413 opened by jtieri - 2
make: *** [Makefile:46: install] Error 1
#1408 opened by sxlmnwb - 0
Inconsistency between needsClientUpdate and mp.msgUpdateClient resulting in potential nil message issue
#1405 opened by LeTrongDat - 1
- 2
cosmos SDK v0.51.1 changes to NewInterfaceRegistry()
#1385 opened by KyleMoser - 3
v2.4.x - Update Client and ACKs in loop
#1359 opened by RaulBernal - 3
Relayer is not able to sync with celestia
#1383 opened by ststkent - 1
- 1
- 4
Question: rly tx link with custom client trusting periods for each client
#1357 opened by ashishchandr70 - 0
- 1
Update `cosmos_relayer_observed_packets` metric to only observe packets that apply to filter rules
#1341 opened by boojamya - 3
- 1
Test-ignore: auto add issues to prj board
#1340 opened by boojamya