
Primary LanguageJavaScript

EvoX RPC Daemon and RPC Wallet Javascript Library

Javascript library to interact with RPC Daemon and RPC Wallet.
All requests are queued. Most functions are async.

Since version 0.2.0 the RPCDaemon and RPCWallet objects are created using a factory function instead of declaring the object with "new".

There is no need to connect and disconnect the underlying socket anymore.

The library supports HTTP, HTTPS and digest authentication.

The library use an axios interceptor to implement digest authentication.

Digest authentication is activated as soon as a username and a password is supplied during object creation.

Once initialized simply use the query functions.

RPCDaemon without Digest Authentication

const rpcDaemon = require('@evox/evox-rpc').RPCDaemon

const daemonClient = rpcDaemon.createDaemonClient({
  url: ''
// When using a self signed certificate with HTTPS you need to set the function sslRejectUnauthorized to false.

RPCDaemon with Digest Authentication

const rpcDaemon = require('@evox/evox-rpc').RPCDaemon

const daemonClient = rpcDaemon.createDaemonClient({
  url: '',
  username: 'user',
  password: 'pass'
// When using a self signed certificate with HTTPS you need to set the function sslRejectUnauthorized to false.

RPCWallet without Digest Authentication

const rpcWallet = require('@evox/evox-rpc').RPCWallet

const walletClient = rpcWallet.createWalletClient({
  url: ''
// When using a self signed certificate with HTTPS you need to set the function sslRejectUnauthorized to false.

RPCWallet with Digest Authentication

  const rpcWallet = require('@evox/evox-rpc').RPCWallet

  const walletClient = rpcWallet.createWalletClient({
  url: '',
  username: 'user',
  password: 'pass'
// When using a self signed certificate with HTTPS you need to set the function sslRejectUnauthorized to false.

Generate JSDoc documentation

npm run generate-docs

Get unit tests list

npm test

MarketPlace Tests

NOTE: tests can take several minutes to complete while block confirmations occur

  1. Use Console to restore a testnet wallet from seed
./simplewallet --restore-wallet cosmos.test --password 123456 
  1. Use Console to execute following command to open normal wallet as a service with screen
screen -S regularwallet ./simplewallet --wallet-file cosmos.test --password 123456 --rpc-bind-ip --rpc-bind-port 52528 --daemon-address
  1. Run the market-place tests
npm run test-wallet-market-place

Wallet Tests

  1. Use Console to restore a testnet wallet from seed
./simplewallet --restore-wallet cosmos.test --password 123456 
  1. Use Console to execute following command to open normal wallet as a service with screen
screen -S regularwallet ./simplewallet --wallet-file cosmos.test --password 123456 --rpc-bind-ip --rpc-bind-port 52528 --daemon-address
  1. Run the wallet tests
npm run test-wallet-account

Atomics Tests

NOTE: tests require two wallets and can take several minutes to complete while block confirmations occur

  1. Use Console to restore a testnet wallet from seed
./simplewallet --restore-wallet cosmos.test --password 123456 
  1. when instructed, provide the following seed phrase
coffee rest stand said leg muse defense wild about mighty horse melt really hum sharp seek honest brush depress beyond hundred silly confusion inhale birthday frozen
  1. when instructed, provide the following password for the secured seed
  1. Use Console to execute following command to open normal wallet as a service with screen
screen -S regularwallet ./simplewallet --wallet-file cosmos.test --password 123456 --rpc-bind-ip --rpc-bind-port 52528 --daemon-address
  1. Use Console to restore a testnet wallet from seed
./simplewallet --restore-wallet cosmos.test --password 123456 
  1. when instructed, provide the following seed phrase
obviously essence rise wow appear glove veil gain beneath ask suddenly manage thunder near sympathy respect pants led lucky pie rant water deeply mean shift somebody
  1. when instructed, provide the following password for the secured seed
  1. Use Console to execute following command to open normal wallet as a service with screen
screen -S otherwallet ./simplewallet --wallet-file cosmos.other --password 123456 --rpc-bind-ip --rpc-bind-port 12234 --daemon-address
  1. Run the atomic tests
npm run test-wallet-atomics

Cold Signing Tests

  1. Use Console to restore a testnet wallet from seed
./simplewallet --restore-wallet cosmos.test --password 123456 
  1. when instructed, provide the following seed phrase
coffee rest stand said leg muse defense wild about mighty horse melt really hum sharp seek honest brush depress beyond hundred silly confusion inhale birthday frozen
  1. when instructed, provide the following password for the secured seed
  1. Use Simplewallet console execute the following to save a watch_only wallet
save_watch_only cosmos.watch 123456
  1. Use Console to execute following command to open watch_only wallet as a service with screen
screen -S watchonlywallet ./simplewallet --wallet-file cosmos.watch --password 123456 --rpc-bind-ip --rpc-bind-port 12234 --daemon-address
  1. Use Console to execute following command to open normal wallet as a service with screen
screen -S regularwallet ./simplewallet --wallet-file cosmos.test --password 123456 --rpc-bind-ip --rpc-bind-port 52528 --daemon-address
  1. Run the cold-signing tests
npm run test-wallet-cold-signing

Contract Tests

NOTE: tests require two wallets and can take several minutes to complete while block confirmations occur

  1. Use Console to restore a testnet wallet from seed
./simplewallet --restore-wallet cosmos.test --password 123456 
  1. when instructed, provide the following seed phrase
coffee rest stand said leg muse defense wild about mighty horse melt really hum sharp seek honest brush depress beyond hundred silly confusion inhale birthday frozen
  1. when instructed, provide the following password for the secured seed
  1. Use Console to execute following command to open normal wallet as a service with screen
screen -S regularwallet ./simplewallet --wallet-file cosmos.test --password 123456 --rpc-bind-ip --rpc-bind-port 52528 --daemon-address
  1. Use Console to restore a testnet wallet from seed
./simplewallet --restore-wallet cosmos.test --password 123456 
  1. when instructed, provide the following seed phrase
obviously essence rise wow appear glove veil gain beneath ask suddenly manage thunder near sympathy respect pants led lucky pie rant water deeply mean shift somebody
  1. when instructed, provide the following password for the secured seed
  1. Use Console to execute following command to open normal wallet as a service with screen
screen -S otherwallet ./simplewallet --wallet-file cosmos.other --password 123456 --rpc-bind-ip --rpc-bind-port 12234 --daemon-address
  1. Run the contract tests
npm run test-wallet-contracts