
WikiTimeline constructs a web-based timeline from a Wikipedia page, using TimelineJS.

Primary LanguagePython


Last updated: 6/2/16

WikiTimeline constructs a web-based timeline from a Wikipedia page, using TimelineJS.

General Info

Team Members

  • Aditi Bhandari
  • Yixuan Chai
  • Will Roever
  • Taylor Zheng

How it Works

WikiTimeline accepts a simple text query and uses the MediaWiki API to parse Wikipedia for events related to that query. It then poplulates a JSON and generates a TimelineJS timeline.


WikiTimeline is currently running on Heroku at https://wikitimeline.herokuapp.com/. It runs on a Django server.

How WikiTimeline can be improved

  • Add extractors to handle more page structures.
  • Implement caching to improve on search times for already-assembled timelines
  • Add additional sharing features



git clone https://github.com/wroever/wikitimeline

pip install -r requirements.txt


python manage.py collectstatic # Collect static files (if changes made)

python manage.py runserver [PORT] # Will run on localhost:[PORT]