
Multi feed enabled, self hosted NuGet Server

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Uses Topshelf and NuGet.Server to provide a self-hosted NuGet Server with support for multiple configurable feeds.

Sample settings

A sample configuring two different feeds. The name of the feed is used to produce a URL friendly slug.

  "packagesDirPath": "Packages",
  "feeds": [
      "name": "Default", //produces URL "default"
      "apiKey": "foobar",
      "requiresApiKey": true,
      "nuGetServerSettings": {
        "allowOverrideExistingPackageOnPush": false,
        "ignoreSymbolsPackages": false,
        "enableDelisting": false,
        "enableFrameworkFiltering": false,
        "enableFileSystemMonitoring": true
      "name": "Some Weird Name", //produces URL "some-weird-name"
      "requiresApiKey": false,
      "nuGetServerSettings": {
        "ignoreSymbolsPackages": true


By default it's configured to use the NETWORK SERVICE account. In case you want to override things, see switches for the install command.

Adding an UrlAcl

In case needed, it would look something like this (NOTE! port should match what is in the App.config):

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:5000/ user="NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE"

Upload & Delete packages

Against the configured "Default" feed which is secured by an API-key:

nuget push .\Topshelf.4.0.3.nupkg -source http://localhost:5000/default -apikey foobar
nuget delete Topshelf 4.0.3 -source http://localhost:5000/default -apikey foobar

Against the configured "Public" feed which is not secured:

nuget push .\Topshelf.4.0.3.nupkg -source http://localhost:5000/some-weird-name
nuget delete Topshelf 4.0.3 -source http://localhost:5000/some-weird-name