Service Gateway

Implementation of message pattern for microservices communication. Based on pure TCP sockets.

Microservices principles

The entire platform is based on microservice mechanism. Services can be developed on any programming language, keep a local storage and/or connecting to the remote services e.g. IFTTT, voice recognition services, etc. Host interaction between services works on pure TCP sockets and messaging pattern. All services are deployed to the host machine e.g. Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone and others.

Service address format is remote_address : remote_port. After connection the Root Service assigns the port to a new service and puts new record to the routing table. Below is the example of the routing table and a few possible services...

# Service address Endpoint name Message registry
1 root [ msg1, msg2, ... ]
2 zigbee.cc2530/31 [ msg1, msg2, ... ]
3 belkin.wemo [ msg1, msg2, ... ]
4 lg.smarttv [ msg1, msg2, ... ]
5 proxy.websocket [ msg1, msg2, ... ]
6 goog.voicectrl [ msg1, msg2, ... ]
7 usb.3gmod [ msg1, msg2, ... ]
8 ui.base [ msg1, msg2, ... ]
9 language.processor [ msg1, msg2, ... ]
. ... ... ...

Every service contains mandatory metadata like UUID and Service Name. Identification goes during connection between service and Root Service, it's called the service announcement with the message SERVICE_ANNCE. The SERVICE_ANNCE is a broadcast message and others services will be notified about announcement.

Entity identification

Entity identification based on the Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) RFC4122 standard. UUID is used for the following platform entities: host-machine, service and device.

Message model

All messages can be sent as broadcast, multicast or unicast. Messages are described in the protocol section. In the current implementation are two types of messages.

Event message

Several services would like to use event-notification to coordinate their actions, and would like to use messaging to communicate those events. This type of message does not generate any response from receiver. When a sender service has an event to announce, it will create an event object, wrap it in a message, and send it on a channel. The receiver service will receive the event message, get the event, and process it. Messaging does not change the event notification, just makes sure that the notification gets to the receiver. The event message can be used for events like announcement or state changing.

Request-Reply message

An service needs to invoke functionality provided by other service and receive response. This type of message is generating a response from receiver. There is no specific message type for request. A request-reply message is simply a regular message that happens to contain a request. The request-reply message is a text message containing the request in json format, a request-reply message is a message with a request stored in it. There are two sub-types of request-reply messages.

  • asyncast - message with asynchronous reply
  • syncast - message with synchronous reply

The main difference between asyncast and syncast is that the synchronous replies from destination endpoints are collected by the Root Service in a bunch and sent to the source endpoint. In this case the reply payload will be an array of replies.