
Project in Subject "DSI444 Practical Artificial Intelligent Technology Project"

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


We run code in Google Colab

  • Python 3.10.12
  • PyTorch 2.0.1
  • NVIDIA Tesla T4


Here we have use Durian Leaf Disease dataset. The dataset original consists of 420 healthy and disease leaf images divided into 4 class by disease.

Dataset can be found here

The classes uses in dataset are:

  • Leaf Spot
  • Algal Leaf Spot
  • Leaf Blight
  • No Disease

Alt text


durian plant disease with augmentation by rotation and cutout methods in roboflow 90° Rotate: Clockwise, Counter-Clockwise, Upside Down Cutout: 7 boxes with 15% size each

Dataset Split: Train 70 %, Valid 15 %, Test 15 %

Dataset No Augmentation can be download here.

Dataset Augmentation can be download here.

Train Model

Train VGG16, EfficientNet_b2, ResNet18 Pre-trained models with IMAGENET1K_V1

75 Epoch with Data_No_Augment and 25 Epoch with Data_Augment

Output of training is given below

Epoch 73/74 train Loss: 0.0003 Acc: 1.0000 valid Loss: 0.0464 Acc: 1.0000

Epoch 74/74 train Loss: 0.0004 Acc: 1.0000 valid Loss: 0.0424 Acc: 1.0000

Training complete in 2m 43s Best val Acc: 1.000000


Evaluation With Accuracy, weighted F1-Score

Model Augmentation Accuracy F1 Score
ResNet18 No Augmentation 94.12% 0.9399
Augmentation 97.06% 0.9706
VGG16 No Augmentation 89.71% 0.8976
Augmentation 94.12% 0.9421
EfficientNet B2 No Augmentation 90.20% 0.9025
Augmentation 92.16% 0.9217