Transactions API

Golang API to that manages accounts creation and the transactions for the accounts. The API was build using go-chi, a lightweight mux implementation wich provides a better REST support, allowing easy management of URL values, routing based on methods and simple middleware management.

The default database is sqlite3 using go-sqlite3, and since it's self contained, there is no dependencies on external services.

Running the API

If you have just cloned this repository, you can run the application using docker-compose by running:

$ docker-compose up

The api will be available at port 8088 http://localhost:8088

The docker-compose.yml definitions will take care of building the container and creating the database schema.

For a more detailed steps on how to run the application for development, see the Developing section.

API Endpoints

The documentation for the api endpoins, schemas and requests can be found on the file docs/openapi.yaml.

You can go to and import the file there to try out the requests as well.

Environment variables

The application expects the following envs:

Name Description Default Value
PORT Server Listen Port 80
DATABASE_FILE Sqlite file location for the database transactions.db



You will need to install sqlite3 to run the application on your local environment. For OSX you can install it with:

$ brew install sqlite3


Create the .env file with the default values with:

$ cp env.default .env

Donwload the project dependencies with:

$ go mod download

With sqlitte3 installed, you need to create the database file with the defined schema located at scripts/database_tables.sql. You can do so running the following command:

$ sqlite3 transactions.db < scripts/database_tables.sql

Running the application

You can use the command:

$ go run cmd/api/main.go

Building the application

To build the application we need to define CGO_ENABLED=1 as the go-sqlite3 is a CGO enable package.

$ CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=<your_os> go build -o transactions-api cmd/api/main.go

Running the tests

To run the unit tests the command go test ./... should be used. You can specify the param -cover to show the coverage data.