Primary LanguagePython


Here we present the source codes for GRIT. GRIT is an end-to-end model designed for social relation inference. The paper can be found here.

Alt text

The model weights can be downloaded from Google Drive or BaiduYunPan[password: 8731]

-- python version is 3.6.9

-- torch version is 1.10.0


To train GRIT-SW224 on PISC_Fine dataset, run run_main.sh or the following

python -m torch.distributed.run --standalone --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=8 --master_port 8730 main_ddp.py --output_dir=Transformer_output --img_size=224 --dataset=pisc_fine --backbone=swin_transformer

To train GRIT-SW384 on PISC_Fine dataset, run the following

python -m torch.distributed.run --standalone --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=8 --master_port 8730 main_ddp.py --output_dir=Transformer_output --img_size=384 --dataset=pisc_fine --backbone=swin_transformer

To train GRIT-R101 on PISC_Fine dataset, run the following

python -m torch.distributed.run --standalone --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=8 --master_port 8730 main_ddp.py --output_dir=Transformer_output --img_size=448 --dataset=pisc_fine --backbone=resnet101


To evaluate the trained GRIT-SW224 model on PISC_Fine dataset, run the following

python main_eval.py --model_path=path_to_GRIT-SW224 --dataset=pisc_fine --img_size=224

To evaluate the trained GRIT-SW384 model on PISC_Fine dataset, run the following

python main_eval.py --model_path=path_to_GRIT-SW384 --dataset=pisc_fine --img_size=384


To visualize the attention map from transformer's decoder, run the following

python visualization.py --model_path=path_to_GRIT-SW224 --dataset=pisc_fine --img_size=224