
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

travis docker

  1. Install Docker
  1. Install Docker Compose
  1. Get the source code:

    $ git clone https://github.com/eea/art17-consultation.git
    $ cd art17-consultation
  2. Customize env files:

    $ cp docker/app.env.example docker/app.env
    $ cp docker/db.env.example docker/db.env
  3. Customize docker orchestration:

    $ cp docker-compose.override.yml.example docker-compose.override.yml
  4. Start stack, all services should be "Up"

    $ docker-compose up -d
    $ docker-compose ps
  • Create your user and assign admin role to it:

    # for local user
    ./manage.py user create -e user_email -i user_id -p <password>
    # for Eionet user
    ./manage.py user create -i user_id --ldap
    # make it admin
    ./manage.py role add -u user_id -r admin

Details about configurable settings can be found in settings.py.example.

The authentication is provided by a LDAP SERVER. Add the following configuration variables to the app, using the correct URLs for the LDAP server:

EEA_LDAP_SERVER=ldaps://ldap.example.com EEA_LDAP_PORT=389

Initially the application's database is empty. We need to import data from a dump (the old 2006 app's database or the new reporting data). First we need to load this dump into a separate MySQL databse:

mysql -e 'create database art17_2006 CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
mysql art17_2006 < art17_2006.sql

Then we can import this data into our app's database. Make sure to specify the right schema version, in this case '2006':

./manage.py dataset import -d import-from-2006 -i 'mysql://user:pass@localhost/art17_2006' -s 2006

An optional argument -f (fallback) exists. When there are no records to import in a table, it copies the entire table from the specified dataset.

  1. Get the latest version of source code:

    $ cd art17-consultation
    $ git pull origin master
  2. Update the application stack, all services should be "Up"

    $ docker-compose up -d
    $ docker-compose ps

User requirements-dev.txt instead of requirements-dep.text:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  • copy fabfile/env.ini.example to fabfile/env.ini
  • configure staging and production settings
  • run fab staging deploy or fab production deploy

Simply run py.test testsuite, it will find and run the tests. For a bit of speedup you can install pytest-xdist and run tests in parallel, py.test testsuite -n 4.

Printouts work using wkhtmltopdf 0.12.1. Using another version may cause problems in rendering pdfs.

If you don't have this version installed, add it to your virtualenv.

  1. Go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/wkhtmltopdf/files/0.12.1/ and select the build corresponding with your system. Copy the direct link into your clipboard

  2. Install it locally in your virtualenv

    • For RedHat-based systems in production:

      # $PACKAGE is the file downloaded with wget
      sudo rpm -i --prefix=/var/local/wkhtmltox-0.12.1 $PACKAGE.rpm
      # If the command fails because the file is already installed
      # copy `wkhtmltopdf` from the installation directory and skip
      # the next command
      cp /var/local/wkhtmltox-0.12.1/bin/wkhmtltopdf sandbox/bin/
    • For RedHat-based development systems:

      # If you don't work on projects that require other versions
      # Install this version globally
      sudo rpm -i $PACKAGE.rpm
    • For Debian based systems:

      dpkg-deb -x wkhtmltox-0.12.1_<your_distro>.deb sandbox
      cp sandbox/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf sandbox/bin

Make sure you set DEBUG=True in app.env to reload the changes.

  • Start stack, all services should be "Up"

    $ docker-compose up -d
    $ docker-compose ps
  • Check application logs:

    $ docker-compose app
  • When the image is modified you should update the stack:

    $ docker-compose up -d --build
  • Delete the containers and the volumes with:

    $ docker-compose down -v
  • Please make sure that DEBUG=True in app.env file.

  • Update docker-compose.override.yml file app section with the following so that docker-entrypoint.sh is not executed:

    entrypoint: ["/usr/bin/tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
  • Attach to docker container and start the server in debug mode:

    $ docker exec -it art17consultation_app_1 bash
    # ./manage.py runserver -t -p 5000
  • See it in action: http://localhost:5000

The project owner is Søren Roug (soren.roug at eaa.europa.eu)

Other people involved in this project are:

  • Cornel Nițu (cornel.nitu at eaudeweb.ro)
  • Alex Eftimie (alex.eftimie at eaudeweb.ro)
Minimum requirements:
  • 2048MB RAM
  • 2 CPU 1.8GHz or faster
  • 4GB hard disk space
  • 4096MB RAM
  • 4 CPU 2.4GHz or faster
  • 8GB hard disk space

Any recent Linux version. apache2, local MySQL server

This project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the EUPL v1.1.

More details under LICENSE.txt.