
Now costycnc serial program grbl decoder for 2 unipolar steppers in in wifi.

Primary LanguageC++


You can ulpoad binary file https://github.com/costycnc/costycnc-esp8285-esp8266-gcode-interpreter/raw/master/costycnc.wifi.1.10.cpp.bin with https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-flasher

see video on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yehDBSj7vIg

Now costycnc serial program grbl decoder for 2 unipolar steppers in in wifi.

Open wifi a try costycnc... connect it ... in case that your phone say " not internet" ... connect anyway.

open upload.html and load all files from folder "toate" ... one by one

You can verify files uploadet to esp8266 with for index page

test.nc neeed to be your gcode file that you want cut.

So... create your gcode file ,rename to test.nc and upload to esp.

Begin cut with

test.nc that actually is in this folder is a test cut.

This variant is in acces point mode that mean that you not can use your internet in same time.

need to disconnect from costycnc wifi and connect to your wifi ... but in future i work to resolve this problem.

The program can be uploaded in esp8285 with arduino settings:

Board:"Generic ESP8285 Module"

Flash Mode: "DIO"

Flash Size: "1M(512k SPIFFS)"

. . .

Reset Method: "nodemcu"

. . .

Upload Speed: "921600" (maxim that your pc permit!!!!)

Erase Flash : "Only Sketch" ( files uploaded remain in esp module)

I used "arduino-1.6.5-r5-windows" portable for compile

You can ulpoad binary file "costycnc.wifi.1.10.cpp.bin" with https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-flasher


need to upload to module with http://ip_module/upload these files:

from folder "toate" : /index.html /settings.txt /success.html /test.nc /upload from folder "index" : /potracex.html /potracex.js